Chapter 12

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Skua's POV

I took in Qibli's features, his fast was distorted with joy and confusion. I laughed, repeating the sentence, "I can see!" He smiled wrapping his wings around me.

He laughed with me, both of us giddy with joy.

"Hey what's with all the celebration?" Kinkajou poked her, now bright pink, snout into the cave.

I laughed running over to her, "I'm cured!" I said with a note of joy in my voice.

Moon turned the corner, coming into the music cave as well. "Really?" I nodded happily, my scales flashing in an Aquatic response for: Yep! I can finally see what kind of insult I should spout off at Winter's pompous, walrus-licking snout!

Moon looked at Qibli, then to Kinkajou. She looked quite worried. "Er- Skua, I have to tell you something." I looked at her, puzzled.

"Go ahead."

Moon sighed, Qibli gave her a look that said 'Not right now, please.' Kinkajou just stared at me, she looked almost as nervous as Moon. "Where you told about what happened outside the history cave before it blew up?" I shook my blue head, sitting down on my icy tail. "Well, I basically frantically told everyone to stay out of the cave.... because..." She quietly squeaked the last bit nervously, "I had a vision..." My jaw went slack, eyes wide. What? How could she keep that from us... I looked around, Qibli knew. Kinkajou knew. For mother's sake Turtle probably knew!

"You all knew? And didn't tell me?" I looked at Kinkajou and Qibli. I was heartbroken. Kinkajou was supposed to be my best friend. And to think I was actually starting to trust Qibli!

Moon looked at her talons, "Skua..." I looked at her, anger flaring inside me. "I can also read minds..."

I felt my blue blood boil, "That too!?" I spat, "To think I was trusting you all!" I tried to get past her but someone held me back.

"Hear her out, this last bit is... wacky." Qibli said, his voice trying to soothe my rage but I wouldn't have it.

"Go on then. Amuse me."

Moon looked anywhere but me, "I can't hear your thoughts." The scales under my eyes lit up in alarm, my chest ached where my scars where.

I looked at her, my aqua eyes flaming.


I stormed from the room, my anger felt like icicles. And apparently a lot of the students I passed could tell I was angry as they all tried to swarm away from me. The only ones who seemed to not care were the IceWings. "Ha! There's a loser in our midst, Winter!" I heard Icicle scoff.

I spun on my heels, wings flaring. "Shut your snout, Icicle! You're a good-for-nothing brat who's worse than Anemone!" I roared. Icicle inched back at my sudden outburst.

"Chill out, Princess."

At this point I feel like I'm on fire, "I WILL NOT CHILL OUT I JUST GOT CURED AND NOW MY LIFE IS TURNING INTO A JOKE!" I screamed at Queen Glacier's niece. "Now, leave me alone." I ordered in a cold voice.

Icicle scrambled off, her talons scraping the stone floor. Winter looked back at me, not willing himself to say anything, only to then turn and walk off with his sister.

I turned back on track and I ran the rest of the way to my cave.

I splashed into my pool of water, tears streaming down my face. At least underwater no one can see you cry.

~ Flashback brought to you by: All the Aquarius out there and my evil arse ~

"Now, Coral, where is your daughter?" Blister asked.

Coral waved to her companion. "Which one, my friend?" She laughed.

Skua squirmed in the corner, her small blue head poking out of the doorway. "Hmm, I believe she was named after a bird, but I can't place her name. It's on the tip of my tongue."

"Ah, I believe you're talking about my eldest daughter. Skua come here, dear!"

Skua nervously wobbled into the room, she scanned everyone present with her big, bright blue eyes. There were only eight other dragons in the room. She took mental note of them all.

Blister. Her mother, Queen Coral. King Gill. Her half-sisters Anemone and Lapis. Her uncle Shark. And two royal guards, Ray and Whale.

Blister patted a square of cloth to her mouth, wiping away some juice that Skua could not identify. She stood up, "Coral, if I may have a word with the young princess?"

Coral smiled, "Of course, Blister." Skua tucked her wings in, ultimately making herself look smaller. She felt her step-father's glare on her, it was almost too much added with Blister's calculating gaze.

Blister escorted the hybrid princess outside of the dining hall with her wing.

"Hello, Princess. I just need a word with you."

Skua gulped, "W-Whatever you ask I shall answer, Your Majesty."

"Well, you see, I want to know why in Pyrrhia you are your mother's top priority. You shouldn't even exist. You are such a mistake."

Skua nodded, "I-I-I k-know."

Blister raised her barbed tail. She caressed Skua small face lightly, "I have a mission for you." Skua gulped again, "I need you to do something so unforgivable that Coral won't pay anymore attention to you." Skua nodded in compliance, "Good! Now run along, little one."

~ Time skip brought to you by: Every depressed person who is wonderful and needs to know it ~

Skua slipped into her mother's Summer Palace quarters. She silently prayed this wouldn't work. She breathed in before cutting a slit onto her palm the blue-ish blood dripping slowly from under her scales. She squirmed at the sight of her own blood.

She wiped her blood covered claw on the ceiling right above Coral's bed. The message said: Forgive me mother, but Blister ordered me to do this. If not... well... I don't want to find out.

~ End of flashback ~

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A/N - Hey y'all I'm so happy I finally could finish this and post it for you guys. I hope you all are enjoying your summer just as I am mine. Can't wait to post more chapters for you all.



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