Chapter 4

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"Catch it!" Someone yelled.

"Mine! I claim it!" Another dragon roared. I felt a herd of dragonets zoom past me, I almost lost my footing. I ran over to see what the commotion was and, I was very shocked to say in the least. There was a scavenger running around and everyone was trying to catch it.

I saw a very particular NightWing grab the poor thing and bring it close to her mouth. She muttered something inaudible but everything was drowned out when an icy voice hissed, "NightWing." The NightWing looked at the white monstrosity before her in terror, "You have ten seconds to give me back my scavenger before I slice your face off." 

"Five seconds." The IceWing scowled, frostbreath started forming chills of the cold streamed from his mouth. I stepped in front of the NightWing, my own frostbreath coming out in a clear streams as well.

"She will not be giving that scavenger back anytime soon." I said, scowling right back at him.

"That is my scavenger. My idiot clawmate let it out. But it is mine and I did not bring it all the way here to see it eaten by a lying, smokebreathing NightWing."

I rolled my eyes, "I could freeze you one part at a time- first your horns, then snap them off. Then your tail- freeze it and snap it off. Then claws, and wings... should I go on?" He asked rhetorically.

"I could do the same Iciclebreath."

"Hey, calm down, alright? No one is getting sliced up or frozen then snapped apart." Said a SandWing, the same one with the staring problem. Although, up close I could tell he did look pretty handsome.

"What is wrong with you? Did you even try to ask nicely?" He asked the IceWing. He turned to the unknown NightWing and I, "I'm the idiot clawmate. Although I usually go by Qibli. My intimidating acquaintance here is Winter. What are your names?"

"I am Princess Skua of the SeaWings." I proclaimed loudly. I stood taller to appear more regal but regallity isn't my strong suit.

"Ha! You? A princess!?" Winter blurted, I ignored him, flaring my wings so everyone could see my royal patterns. That shut him up. Qibli just stared like the many times before. Moons above! He seems nice but he needs to work on his staring problem.

The NightWing looked scared, "Moon." She said in a tiny voice, tiny enough to fit Auklet.

"Moon what?" Winter demanded. "Moon what? Come on NightWing. We all know your names are all lies. So what's yours? MoonDestroyer? MoonEater? MoonCrusher?"

"Winter you need to seriously cool down!" Qibli said putting his claw out in front of his companion. "Get it? Because he's an IceWing? I know, I'm hilarious."

I sighed and Moon went on, "I-it's MoonWatcher."

"MoonWatcher..." Winter pondered.

"We're asking you nicely, Moon: please don't eat it." Qibli advised. At least there was someone with common sense here.

"Get your teeth anywhere near Bandit and you will lose them." Winter threatened. I stepped closer to Moon. The thing has a name? That's so weird. I mean, who in their right mind would name their food?

"You're not at all clear on the concept of 'asking nicely,' are you?" Qibli said, I burst into a laugh. He really was funny.

"Bandit?" I questioned, about as confused as an octopus who doesn't know how to camouflage. 

"The scavenger is Winter's pet. Nobody told me we could bring pets, but I guess the nephew of the IceWing queen gets special privileges." The pale-yellow dragon explained. "If you didn't know he was Queen Glacier's nephew, don't worry. He would've told you in the next five minutes."

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