Chapter 5

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TW: This chapter mentions physical and verbal abuse. If you do not think yo can handle that skip over the part labeled in bold. Thank you!

After Qibli found me singing in the music cave I felt so embarrassed. Ugh, why am I so stupid? I should've thought to pay more attention to the noise. I scolded myself. Mother always said I was oblivious, I now get why. I should've just stayed home. Why would I ever think this would be good for me? All the other dragons probably hate me. What if Qibli is in my winglet?! No, no, no, that could never happen! Tsunami wouldn't allow it. Right?

I drifted off after a solid 30 minutes of nonstop thinking. I was driving myself insane at that point, but my sleep didn't help one bit.

\3 Years Ago|

"You will never be good enough, you stupid waste of space!" the king flashed in Aquatic. Skua flinched as Gill approached her. The small dragonet expected the worst, all because of last time she let him down. The king never liked the princess, she always reminded him of his wife's unloyalty and he made that as clear as the moons on the brightest night.

Skua's muscles tightened as Gill raised his green talon, ready to strike. "I-I'm s-sorry, K-k-king Gill." She stuttered (She didn't know it was even possible to stutter while speaking Aquatic) , she wasn't ever allowed to call him father like the others. Only King Gill or sir.

"You better be you little eel."

The princess looked around to see if anyone could save her from this situation. Only her eldest brother, Fin, and her favorite brother, Turtle, were around but they wouldn't do anything to get on their father's bad side. Seeing as what happened to Turtle last time he let Gill down.

Skua started to cry as the SeaWing scolded her for everything she never did right. All because of her stupid father, Cryo. Gill finally stopped yelling at the dragonet, but his rage was far from over, with one powerful blow he slapped the little princess hard across her snout.

"Ahhh!" She screamed in pain, her eyes welled with tears as blood streamed down her nostril.

Suddenly, the crying stopped when she saw her little sister, Lapis, peeking her head through the door. Lapis's face was horror-struck, but she ran off to quickly before Gill to notice her.

Skua ran out of the room, sobbing harder now, when she bumped into someone with bright scales. "Skua? Skua? Skua? Skua wake up!"

|Present Day|

"Hello! It's morning! Isn't that wonderful?"

"Hrm? Kinkajou?" I muttered groggily.

"It is the opposite of wonderful." Carnelian said, quite obviously annoyed.

"We get to meet our winglet today! Isn't that exciting?" Kinkajou asked, fluttering her wings rapidly.

I replied carefully, "Not necessarily,"

Kinkajou didn't seem to care at all and continued on, "You're the SeaWing princess, right? Do you know who our SeaWing is? I really want to meet them!"

"Yeah, um, I think it's my brother, Turtle."

"I think we need to go. Our first class is going to start soon!" Kinkajou exclaimed. Oh, please, please, please let Qibli not be in my winglet! I thought to myself nervously. Well, at least I'll have Turtle, maybe even Ice. If I'm lucky.

Just then a gong sounded. "That's the first warning! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" Kinkajou urged me forward.

"Come on Carnelian!" I called. As we wound through the halls I began to hear the fast race of running water. A waterfall! I thought excitedly.

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