Chapter 14

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Skua's first person POV

Sunny looked around at her students with a clear devastation mounted on her warm, yellow face. "Hi, everyone. I know you're all worried about yesterday's fire." I touched the outside of my right eye gingerly, although I could see now everything was slightly blurry. Probably just some side effects. They'll wear off eventually. I told myself in silence. "The school isn't closing but we understand if you want to leave."

"We're hoping you'll chose to stay. We're asking for two days to find out who did this." I fiddled with my black-stone bracelet. I remember the day Turtle and I found it. It was right after the False Brightest Night when we went pearl diving.

I slipped it off and looked at it gleaming, I eyed Pike in my peripheral. If Moon could just edge over to him. I thought.

Qibli must've had the same thought because he pointed over to Pike and looked at Moon. I looked at Pike, he was keeping a close eye on Anemone. "Qibli, I don't think Pike did it. He's a mean dragon, yeah, but he's never been malicious."

"Skua's right, he didn't do it." 

Qibli looked at me, puzzled. "If not Pike, then who is it?"

I looked around me, it couldn't be the RainWings, they wouldn't dare. Umber and Marsh are either too nervous or too loyal. Winter was with Moon all day. Icicle is stuck up enough.

"Try Icicle," I whispered to Moon. Qibli looked at us, something unreadable in his eyes. Moon looked at Qibli for confirmation about the plan. Qibli nodded.

Something twisted in my stomach.

Moon concentrated on Icicle but I could see her edging a few glances at Qibli as he "very conspicuously" scooted closer to me.

Moon turned to Qibli, not even bothering with me. What is her problem? I felt so enraged. She wasn't even regarding me and I gave her the idea to try Icicle! "It's not Icicle," she whispered in his ear, barely audible to me, I had to strain to hear it. "I'm going to try Flame." She said, this time to the both of us.

By the way she was squirming I could tell Flame's mind wasn't pleasant. Serves her right~ No, this was wrong. This isn't me, I'm not a jealous dragon... So why was I jealous now? I shook my head, I looked down at my bracelet.

It was my most prized possession- well, really my only possession that wasn't confiscated by Trout and Gar, two of my eldest brothers.

I fiddled with it. Sunny looked hopeful as she concluded her speech, "That's all for today. Please come see us if you have any questions. There are no classes, but the art and music caves are both open."

I looked at Sunny, my fingers slipping my band of rock off and on my arm.

"Are you alright?" Qibli asked me, his tail twined with mine. I felt a shiver of something run down my spine as he did this small action. The shiver felt like when I first found him staring at me in the hall. When he found me in the music cave. When he calmed me down in the prey center. When he complimented me in class. When he helped me in my darkest hour. When we harmonized together.

What was this feeling?

{630 words}


Hello my favorite FanWings! I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. I hope you all like this chapter, yes it's shorter than most chapters but a change of pace is always welcome. Also I made this a bit smaller because I've been writing the prologue for WoF4Life_11's new book Deepest Sea so go check it out! (It's really good!)

Anyways, remember to comment, vote, and follow! Love you all and remember to eat, drink, take care of yourselves and live life to the fullest!

Hasta la vista!


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