Chapter 7 (Flashback)

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A/N: Hey guys, I'm sorry for not posting in a while but I just haven't had the materials to create the next chapter so here is a quick flashback into Skua's past for you all. This chapter is based of off Chapters 13, 14, and 15 of Blue as the Ocean by Moonwatcher4567, so go check out her book! (It's really good.)

SkyWing Palace, Era of Scarlet:

I woke lonely, Lapis was gone. "Lapis?..." I called out weakly. She was gone.

I tried to stand, my body ached everywhere. She- she fought for me. Is she still alive? Mother! What happened to her!? What about Ice and Tsunami!? I fought back tears, I had to stay strong for my family.

If they were still alive.

I clutched my claws to my chest. When I drew them away they were covered in blood. I let a tear slip from my eyes and down my snout. I'm never going to get out of here. I curled into a Skua-ball and wallowed in thoughts of my family. Were they dead? Alive? Captured as well? I tried to fight off the clouds of worry shading my thoughts but I couldn't.


The door swung open as two guards walked in. One a tall and bright yellow-orange and the other a deep crimson. "Get up." The crimson guard stabbed me with the but of her spear as the other unclipped my bondages.

I walked unsteadily as the guards urged me to a brightly light archway. The crimson guard poked me again and this time I answered with a growl.

I stepped out into the sun and I shielded my eyes. "SkyWings and MudWings! Visiting SandWings! Welcome to the arena!" A pointy-snouted SkyWing announced. "On the left: Prince Winter of the IceWings! To the right: Princess Skua of the- just a moment-" The SkyWing paused to read his sheet of parchment. "-the SeaWings, and surprisingly, the IceWings!"

A collective gasp was emitted from the assortment of dragons. "GET ON WITH IT!" A SandWing, who I could only assume was Burn, roared.


The prince lunged forwards, claws and teeth bared. I leapt back in fear. "Let me kill you, stupid SeaWing!"

"No!" I protested, shooting a blast of ice breath at him. He dodged and pounced at me, "I don't want to kill you!" I shouted.

He grunted. "Well I want to kill you!" I decided then. Alright. You had it coming for you, Ice Prince. I thrashed my giant tail, knocking Winter off balance.

Being the bigger dragon, I took hold on the IceWing's wrists and I froze them together. I repeated the process over and over until he was fully bound. I turned to Queen Scarlet and Queen Burn. "IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED!?" I hollered, my eyes trailed to the thing next to Scarlet. Lapis!

"Kill him!" The crowd chanted.

I flung myself out of the arena's pit and I froze the chains keeping Lapis in place. I scooped up my half-sister and dragged Winter along with me.

Scarlet was frantically yelling for her guards to stop me but there was nothing they could do besides watch me hover defiantly. My wound was still bleeding, hopefully it'd scar over. My body ached mercilessly with the extra weight. "Well too bad, you stupid excuses for dragons!" I boomed across the arena at the queens.

I pivoted in the air and I flew. I flew until I felt my wings would snap in two. Moons above, give me strength.....

My wings stopped beating and I crashed into the treetops. Winter and Lapis came down upon me, both still unconscious.

CLONK. My head hit the trunk of a cut down tree and my wings folded into my body as I slowly felt the world slip away and my mind went into a world of black.

Another A/N: I know I haven't posting in a while so I added this quick background of Skua's past and it'll hopefully help add some context later! Don't forget to follow, vote, and comment (Please comment guys).



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