Chapter 16

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She may need help! We have to drag information from Onyx.

"Onyx, how's Tamarin?" I asked a rueful expression plastered to my face.

I could tell Onyx was feigning worry as she put her claw to her mouth. "Oh, my poor little clawmate. I'm just devastated." She expressed the word with such exasperation I bet Mother could hear it halfway across Pyrrhia.

"My amulet, please." Onyx demanded in a friendly-but-couldn't-care-less sort of way.

"Um, can I see it?"

Phew- Moon asked for it. But Ostrich looks so sad she couldn't see it well. She passed it to Moon who looked surprised. "Here Ostrich, you can look at my armband." I whispered to the small sand dragon. Ostrich's face lit up.


I nodded with a smile on my face. "Of course." I slipped off my black-rock band, I passed it to her. She smiled as her little tawny, sand colored talons encased the band. She squealed a thank you. "You can keep it until I ask for it back. Okay?"

She jumped up and down, "Okay!" Ostrich slipped my armband on and continued to skip around the rock Onyx was perched upon.

Now, what's Moon's play here?

Moon started sweating. What's wrong with her? Is she alright?

"Qibli! Take it!" Moon shrieked. Onyx yelled at Moon but I wasn't paying any attention to her. That's so weird... What happened when she touched it? Moon looked at me curiously.

"Hm?" I prompted.

She shook her head. "No... Couldn't be..." She mumbled. I shrugged.

I turned back to Onyx, "Onyx, do you think they'll find the dragon who set the fire?"

Onyx leaned closer to me. Her warm scale temperature clashed with mine. It wasn't anything like Qibli's, his was comforting and gave off a protective aura but Onyx's? It felt horrible, like she was on fire and I was an ice cube melting in her shadowed heat. "Of course. They're the great Dragonets of Destiny."

She stretched out her talons and snatched the amulet from Qibli's claws. "That's enough ogling." Onyx placed her amulet back around her neck before turning and stomping off, her fatal tail swishing threatening dangerously. It's like she's trying to tell other dragons to ward off. Kind of like a Blue Ringed Octopus with it's circles.

Moon looked away, her wings tucked as she went off to the edge of the rock I had placed myself on, "Hey, Skua, I'm gonna go to the prey center. Want to come?"

"No thank you, I'm going to wait for Qibli." I motioned to the SandWing talking with his fellow, very dusty-yellow colored, dragons.

"Oh- okay."

She left me on my own. I looked up to watch the sand dragons, Ostrich was still jumping around, showing off my armband to her fellows. The others that weren't being pestered by the jumpy dragonet were talking to Qibli like he was their commander in war.

I sat up on my rear, I looked off to the distant mountains that were covered from their summits' all the way the the bright blue sky in misty dew-clouds. There were so many rivers and lakes spread out in the distance that it made me miss the salty sprays of water that the ocean held. I could just feel the water lapping at my talons on the sandy beaches. I could smell the salty sent of the seafoam. I could taste the fresh scallops, my favorite, that were prepared for me after a long day of pearl hunting.

"Skua?" I looked down to see the yellow dragon who spoke my name. "You seemed a million miles away. We're going to the prey center."

"I just need a lizard. I couldn't eat yesterday, after everything, so I'm hungry now." Ostrich explained.

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