Chapter 6

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A/N: Hey all! So good news, I found some materials to use that'll help me continue updating! I'm so happy I can create more chapters for you all. I find that this book is my favorite to write as it has so much more depth in the characters and I feel like I know them all. Also a little shout out to my bestie and right hand dragon, Moonwatcher4567, for always having my back in times of writing urgency.

Don't forget to vote, follow, and comment (Please comment guys, I really want to interact with you all and share my WOF geekiness with you all)

I glanced around at my clawmates, Kinkajou looked as brightly colored as ever. Winter looked at me expectantly. Qibli was in a deep-ish conversation with Umber. Turtle and Ice were up with Tsunami, they looked so perfectly happy. I touched my chest and I felt my talons lightly go over the faded scar. It was light enough for no one to notice, only two other dragons knew I had it.

Lapis, my half-sister who I barely knew, and the pure white dragon that has despised me since day one-


As we touched down on the floor of the prey center Kinkajou trotted over to me. "You look happy all the sudden." She popped a small, round, purple grape into her mouth.

"Yeah, I'm just happy to be here." I tried, throwing on a fake smile.

I walked to the side of the wall, my tail dragging along with me. "Sorry- you said- the goat, remember?" Qibli said, his face was covered in a smile. "If you changed your mind, no worries. I'll wrestle for a fish." He wrinkled his nose at the word fish.

I placed the goat down and silently counted how many meat-eating dragons were in my Winglet. I sliced the goat in seven equal pieces with my claw. "No- Qibli- of course, here." I passed him a piece of the goat and passed out the other pieces one by one.

"I could wrestle for a fish. If you were wondering." He ripped at goat with his teeth. "Let me tell you, Skua. Growing up in the Scorpion Den with a family that hates you makes a dragon really good at stealing, fighting, and scrounging." I nodded taking a bite of my share. I wish I knew how to fight and stay strong, then I could've saved Lapis from Scarlet's fury. I thought solemnly.

"Why did your family hate you?"

Qibli knotted his eyebrows together. "Oh. They sort of hate everyone. It's no big deal."

Poor Qibli. Maybe- he and I have some things in common? I took a glance at the silent NightWing. She looked up, her eyes glazed over slightly. "Moon, are you alright?" I asked, concerned.

"I-I'm f-fine." The NightWing stuttered. I knew she wasn't but I decided not to press.

I turned back to Qibli, "As you were saying?"

He jumped back into his back story. "... I joined the Outclaws at three. The best news in my life is I'll never have to see my family again." He looked breathless but relieved. I side eyed Moon and she looked concerned, what about I didn't know.

I nodded, "Um- please excuse me. I'm going to go to the music cave."

"No! We're eating together! You haven't even finished your hairy, smelly carcass thing!" Kinkajou protested. Qibli looked surprised and Umber just side eyed me and muttered something inaudible.

Kinkajou flashed bright pink. "Can you tone that down, Kinkajou? It's a very exciting color that I've never seen before, but it's a little- bright?" Umber shielded his eyes.

"Eyeball scorching." Qibli concurred. His eyes were squinted.

"I agree with the boys." I said as I maneuvered around Qibli and a rock that jutted out of the cave wall. My wing brushed against Qibli's, only then did I notice how hot it was. It practically burned my frigid wing.

"It happens when I'm happy. But if you'd prefer something more sedate-" She turned a neon yellow with bright green highlights.

"AAAAAH!" Qibli shrieked dramatically.

Umber narrowed his eyes, "I don't actually know. You might be totally serious right now."

"No, I'm just kidding. I can be totally ordinary and boring, Umber, don't worry." She switched her scale color to match Umber's. He smiled like a doof.

"Boring hasn't exactly made it's way into my words to describe you." I explained.

Winter brushed past us all with a scowl. "Winter! Want to sit here? With your Winglet, I mean?" Kinkajou asked the snotty, stuck up, lousy IceWing prince.

"Absolutely not."

Kinkajou swooned and put her claw on her chest. "He's so tortured."

"You're a little weird, Kinkajou." I said bluntly. I took this as my chance and quietly ducked out of the prey center. 


I walked into the music cave, relief rushed through me. Finally, alone at last.

"Hmm," I thought aloud, "what shall I play?" I touched my scars lightly. Flashes of blood filled my head. The thoughts were endless-

The SkyWing pummeling me with its huge wings.

Claws scraping at my underbelly.

Screams of terror and anguish coming from below.

The sea salt burying deep into the wounds-

I never noticed I started playing as I glided the bow across the violin.

"I been trying not to go off the deep end

I don't think you wanna give me a reason

I been trying not to go off the deep end

I don't think you wanna give me a reason." My words and music filled the silence of the music cave.

"Had to come and flip the script

Had a big bone to pick

Got the short end of the sticks, so I made a fire with it

Let it burn to a crisp, now that's a sure fire flip." Tears streamed down my face, I put down the violin and collapsed in tears.

I didn't notice as Qibli slipped into the room. He crossed over to me and sat down. "Hey-" I looked up and his face flashed from 'lively and not bothered' to 'what in the history of Pyrrhia happened?' "-Skua, are you- are you alright?" His normally skeptical yet chipper voice was laced with concern.

I looked up at him, my bright blue eyes welling with tears. He hugged me tight, getting the memo that I wasn't able to speak, only cry. His warm, yellow-scaled embrace was comforting. I sniffed and for what felt like an eternity. After I sniffed finally I opened my mouth and spoke at long last. "T-thank you, Qibli."

He looked down at me with an affectionate gleam in his black eyes. "Of course, would you like to talk about it?" I nodded.

Qibli's POV:

I set the SeaWing princess down as she burst into a full on outburst of childhood trauma.

How could she go through something like this? King Gill is making my mother seem like a loving and kind dragon! I can't believe she was treated that way. I never knew she had scars, wait- if I look closely I can see them. She saved Winter!? My mind was buzzing with a ramble of thoughts.

"I'm just glad I came here, Mother never did anything about the constant bullying and she barely paid me any mind." Skua vented. She threw her arms this way and that while she talked. I feel sort of guilty for thinking she was beautiful while she laid down all of her childhood trauma and woes on me. I decided then-

I vow to protect Skua, princess of the SeaWings, with my life. Forever and always. 

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