Chapter 15

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Skua's first person POV

"You look like you've been thrown into a stalactite and then had a mountain come down on you!" I whisper yelled, my tail flicking back and forth.

Moon rubbed her temple, "I just had a weird experience in Flame's head. It's horrible in there."

"So he did it?" Qibli's voice shot through the air like a viper.

I placed my talon on his, "Don't go that far, we don't know that he did or did not, yet."

Moon shook her head, "I don't think any of them did it. Pike, Icicle, Flame- they're all thinking about the fire like someone else did it." I nodded in agreement with Moon.

"See?" I asked Qibli in more of an instructive tone.

He looked down in a defeated way. "Camel farts. They all seemed like perfect suspects."

"Well, they may all still do something terrible, just not this." I told him in a warm tone. I saw Moon roll her eyes slightly. 

"Moon, if you keep track of the dragons with the darkest thoughts maybe we could find the bomber.... You could maybe check every day and catch them scheming, if it's okay with you..." Qibli said solemnly.

"That, um... Seems kind of wrong, doesn't it, Qibli?" Moon questioned tentatively. "I mean, lots of dragons think dark things sometimes; it doesn't mean they'll ever actually do them. Half the NightWings fantasize about stealing Glory's throne- but mostly they're grateful to be alive and fed. I can't help what I hear but it doesn't seem fair to do it on purpose- unless we're catching a murderer like now." Qibli grunted.

Qibli grabbed me by the arm, practically dragging me, as he charged forward. "Let's go outside and find Onyx. She's our best remaining suspect." Moon was glaring daggers as me.

"But Moon can't hear Onyx's thoughts. How'll we learn anything?"

"The old-fashioned way. With our eyes and ears." Qibli said, a smile playing at the edges of his mouth.

Qibli led me through the twisting corridors. I couldn't believe how he'd managed to remember all of the caves and halls in such a short amount of time; but then again, I could.

I found soon that Qibli had brought me to a wide-open pavilion in which many students were laying around with their own tribes. So much for "making friends in different tribes". I thought sourly. All this work that the Dragonets did to put this place together is being wasted. Oh, poor Sunny, she really wanted this all to work out.

"So much for Winglets." I told Qibli, my tone lightened with a joking sense of humor.

His voice matched mine as he smiled, "It's only been a couple of days. Maybe the Winglets will stick together more once we all know each other better." It was a quite sensible assumption.

I heard talonsteps as a gaggle of SeaWings approached, at the lead was my half-sister, Anemone.

"Anemone, is this safe, going to the lake? You could be attacked-"

Pike was cut off by Anemone's snotty retort, "Not with all of you strapping dragons along to defend me, Pike."

Turtle walked alongside Anemone, her pink wings colliding with his nervous, green ones. He looked at me, his eyes calling out for my saving grace. "Come on, let's go." Anemone demanded.

I shook my head. I hated my half-sister, yes, but I also I couldn't help but feel guilty for it. "Let's go visit Onyx and the other SandWings." Qibli said, knocking me out of my daze.

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