Chapter 11

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Qibli's POV

I felt a chill down my spine. Am I that transparent? I wondered. I mean, yeah, I kind of like Skua, but only as a friend. Surely Anemone has taken my kindness and hospitality as flirting. But I'm not flirting with her; consciously, that is. 

"Skua!" A familiar dragon came running in, we both spun on our heels.

"Turtle?" Skua asked, her face scrunching in the frustration of her blindness. She looks so- My mind searched for the right word- amazing.

Turtle hurried over to his sister, "Skua, mother wanted me to tell you-" He huffed, trying to catch his breath, "- Ice went home."

"What for?"

"She suffered severe injuries to the head and decided she couldn't stand it here." He rolled his eyes. I had to stop myself from snorting at the prince. By the way, why is there so much royalty in this place?

I flitted my eyes over to Skua, her face torn from despair and relief. "Well, I'm glad she is going home. She needs to feel safe." Skua sighed, she was protective over her sister. A pleasure my siblings never gave me. I thought sourly.

"What about you?"

I bit my tongue, I didn't want this to be the last time I'm going to see her. "I'm staying."

I felt relieved by just those two words.

I'm staying.

They sent a shiver of relief and calm down my spine, all the way to my tail. Skua turned to leave. I followed; I'd follow her anywhere.

I helped her limp her way out of the cave.

"Where to, Your Royal Greatness?" I joked.

She smiled. I practically melted. "The music cave please."


(Yes, it's the duet we've all been waiting for!)

Third person POV (Skua's)

Skua walked into the cave accompanied by Qibli. The shine from Skua's incandescent scales radiated off of Qibli's pale yellow ones.

Skua promptly plopped on the floor, Qibli dragged his drum over and sat down next to her. "A beat, please?" She asked him in a small voice.

Third person POV (Qibli's)

Qibli closed his eyes, slowly he started a small beat. Skua's head bobbed, her mind forming the lyrics. She hummed.

"If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea

I'll sail the world to find you."

Qibli smiled, going along with it.

"If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see

I'll be the light to guide you."

He placed his talons on her eyes to mimic darkness until he took them away to keep the beat alive.

"We'll find out what we're made of

When we are called to help our friends in need

You can count on me like one, two, three

I'll be there"

He smiled at the SeaWing.

"And I know when I need it, I can count on you like four, three, two

And you'll be there."

"'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh, yeah


Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh, yeah, yeah!"

Skua got up, she danced around the room to the beat. Qibli smiled, he felt his heart burst as she swayed and pirouetted.

"If you tossin' and you're turnin' and you just can't fall asleep

I'll sing a song beside you."

Qibli sang along to the princess's dancing.

"And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me

Every day I will remind you, oh."

He meant more to those words, but she wouldn't find out. She couldn't.

"We'll find out what we're made of

When we are called to help our friends in need!"

Skua sang.

"You can count on me like one, two, three

I'll be there."

Qibli repeated.

"And I know when I need it, I can count on you like four, three, two

And you'll be there

'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh, yeah


Skua leaped across the cave gracefully. Qibli wondered how she could've learned those moves, probably royal training he finally settled on.

"Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh, yeah, yeah

You'll always have my shoulder when you cry

I'll never let go, never say goodbye

You know

You can count on me like one, two, three

I'll be there."

He said, recalling all the trauma she had vented to him. All her trauma she trusted him with.

"And I know when I need it I can count on you like four, three, two

And you'll be there."

He finally got a good look at her face, a small tear trickled down her snout as she took her seat beside him again. She sat and laid her head on his shoulder as he finished the song.

"'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh, yeah


Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh

You can count on me 'cause I can count on you."

She smiled up at him, her eyes cleared of the white haze they'd had earlier. She gasped.

"Qibli, I- I can see again!"

{750 words}

A/N - Oh! That sent chills down my spine!

I'm so sorry for not posting in a while. I've had the dreaded writer's block, but even though this chapter is shorter than my normal ones I loved it just as much as I hope you do. Remember to comment, vote, and drop a follow!

Before I go I can't forget shoutouts! Today's go to:



Bye for now my dears! And remember to eat and drink!


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