Special Bonus Chapter!!

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A/N - Hey y'all, I'm making this little special because A.) I'm bored, B.) I've got writer's block, and C.) I just wanted to.

This chapter corresponds with WhisperTheCerulean's Chapter 8 of Universes 101.

The following WOF fanfics are mentioned in the book:

Blue as the Ocean by AutumnDaLeafWing

The Assassin In series by Jasmin_Twilightmoon

The Anarchy and Chaos books by snapRlol

Possibility by Sunniedew

All credits of the following universes and the original book (by WhisperTheCerulean) goes to the rightful creators. Thank you!

Unknown Universe

Skua shuddered, the Scorpion Den was as deserted as the ruins of the Ancient Palace. She wanted to be back home- in her own universe. She wanted to feel the rush of the sea currents. She wanted to feel the ecstasy she got when she sang. She shook her head sorrowfully, she most of all wanted to be next to him. Moons, she hadn't realized how much she had missed his goofy smirk, his warm yellow scales.

Skua shook her head, causing her spikes to clink together; she had to stay in the present.

For starters, according to Jasmin, a dragon named Chaos had left a note saying the Scorpion Den existed in this mixed up, jumble of a universe. Secondly, in previous notes from Chaos revealed that Carnelian wasn't dead. Although that unnerved Skua just as much as a section of each Queens' (besides Glory of course) palace was dedicated to: "... The Lord Darkstalker and His Forever Queen."

If his "Forever Queen" meant Clearsight or Moonwatcher, she couldn't tell. But she- just as Jasmin had- was surprised about it not labeling Darkstalker as King Darkstalker.

Skua walked past an empty stall, although being half-blind wouldn't help very much in their search for supplies, Skua tried anyways. A lone, scraggly lizard limped out of the stall, across Skua's front talons, and into another hiding spot. "This place kind of gives me the creeps," She admitted, her voice small and unnerved. "Even the arena was never this..." Skua struggled to come up with a word other than, pit-of-misery-and-despair-like, "... eerie." She finally settled on.

Skua traced her claws against her chest. The scars there ached from the effort of hauling things out of the way day and night to get enough supplies for the three of them, "Stay close to me, then," Jasmin replied, her voice sounded slightly startled from Skua's mentioning of the SkyWing arena. "Just not too close."

Skua turned from the other hybrid. She lightly tapped on the things that the stall contained, her claws beat against something. It was made of cowhide. "Hm?" She murmured, she peered at it with her good eye. Her face fell, she looked around the edges for the tell-tale marker. It wasn't there.

She let out a sigh of relief, her tensed wings shifting downwards. She turned slowly, peering at Lapis, who had just reappeared with a supply of food and water.

Skua looked around, her neck spikes clanking on eachother in a twinkling melody. She'd dubbed this universe, as Moon-who-was-more-confusing-than-Moon had explained it as, Uni 4. She, as it made sense like this, was from Uni 1. Lapis being from Uni 2 and Jasmin from Uni 3. Even Skua herself could hardly wrap her head around the fact that Lapis, her own half-sister, could appear in another universe. Much less one that was still in the War of SandWing Succession.

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