Chapter 8 - Part Two: Stay Safe

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Skua's POV

I scrambled out of the room. Why was I so emotional? Why did I let my guard down?

Why was Qibli so easy to talk to?


I crashed into someone quite smaller than me. "Skua! Didn't you hear the tree gongs? We have to get to history class." My friendly clawmate jabbered. A gong sounded in the distance.

"Er- Alright, I guess we should get going then."

Kinkajou skipped in front of me. "I'm super excited. I don't know anything about history. I have like a million questions for Webs." I scrunched my nose at the name of our history teacher, I, like most SeaWings, still hadn't forgiven him just yet. "Like, what's the Scorching, and is it ture there used to be scavengers everywhere, and what's the big IceWing tragedy from the past-" Kinkajou was cut off by screams from outside.

"The SkyWing!"

"She's here to kill us all!"

I ran at top speed and saw Starflight emerge from the library to run as well. Kinkajou had to fly to catch up with me. "What's going on!?" She demanded.

"I don't know!" I answered truthfully.

We tramped into the great hall and I saw-

"Peril!?" The SkyWing whipped her head around to face me.

The smoking SkyWing looked at me closely. "Skua?" She asked in a quiet tone. I nodded, her face light up. Clay walked into the room and Peril's face grew brighter. She was such a dork sometimes.

"Peril! You came!" Clay gasped excitedly. Clay and Peril locked talons. They looked so cute together.

"I thought I could find Queen Scarlet, but she's nowhere. I don't know where else to look. I'm sorry." Peril said sadly.

"Don't be, old friend." I said, walking closer to the two. Tsunami looked displeased that my friend was there.

My sister sighed, "We don't have a group for you. We didn't know you were coming, so there is a SkyWing in every Winglet already." I hated how frowned upon Peril was just for having extra fire. She was perfect in every other way. I mean, disregarding her kill count

"I don't have to stay." Peril claimed, but I knew, deep down, all she wanted to do was stay.

"But I want you to. If Scarlet's looking for you, too, we're all safer together." Clay insisted.

"We're glad you're here." I added.

Whispers flowed around the room as I spoke. I felt eyes on my back, but only five felt oddly familiar. Ice, my sister has always been quiet and barely ever speaks. Turtle, my half-brother is kind of like Ice but he's way more confident in his- abilities. Kinkajou, her stare is obviously the most curious of them all. But two of them just don't sit right with me.

The first: An icy glare. The only person this look could belong to would be, yours truly, Prince I'm-going-to-shove-a-walrus-up-his-snout.

The second: A concerned, sentimental, and warm glance. Only being able to be from one dragon, Qibli.

Tsunami caved, "I'll go ask Sunny where we should put you."

Winter, the worst dragon in Pyrrhia, pointed at Peril and fumed, "She can't stay here! That dragon killed over twenty IceWing prisoners. She was Queen Scarlet's favorite weapon. Deceitful NightWings and low-born SandWings are one thing, but a straight up murderer?"

"She's dangerous. Even Queen Ruby banned her from the SkyWing Palace." Icicle, the only other dragon more stuck up than Winter, backed up her lowly brother.

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