Chapter 10

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3rd person POV (Qibli)

Qibli paced the room, his tail swishing this way and that; lost in his own thoughts. His mind twisted in a confusing dance. Only, he was waiting, for something- No, someone.

He weaved through the endless row of triangular beds, his mind set in a fit of determination.

Once he got to the bed in question he plopped down, his eyes looked worried and his body was the pure definition of lack of sleep.

He peered down his snout at the sleeping dragon in front of him. He thrummed his talons on the ground impatiently, he wanted to make sure she was well when she came out of this seemingly endless sleep.

Only his thoughts accompanied him. Why would Moon hide this from us? What if Skua was in this coma forever? What would I do without her?

His only other thought that wasn't about the unconscious hybrid in front of him was about the NightWing in his Winglet. The one that lied to them all.


Even thinking her name made his mouth taste bitter. But all that didn't matter to the SandWing at the moment, the only thing that truly mattered was the sweet, broken, and feisty SeaWing princess that was sprawled out on the bed made up of large, green leaves that were sewn together to form a hamocklike cot.

He placed one of his pale talons on the leaves, heat from his scales radiating against the freezing scales of the princess's back.

He watched as her eyes slowly and groggily fluttered open, before she jolted upright and let out a guttural scream. He jumped back a bit, totally caught off guard.  "Skua! What's wrong?" His voice was laced with unease.

She looked in his direction, "I-I c-can't see!" She her voice was small and afraid, just barely a whimper.

"Hey, hey. Come here." He twined his tail with hers, making sure he wouldn't stab her with his tail barb, and wrapped his wings around her in an affectionate embrace. He didn't want her to feel scared. "I've got you." He assured her when he felt her tremble. I won't let her feel scared; I will protect her with every cell in my body. He hugged her tight, his warm scales helping soothe her.

Qibli heard talons scrape and many voices trying to speak over one another. But without warning a SeaWing stormed into the cave and she looked furious. "Where is my daughter!?" She demanded, her eyes scanning the room with enough fury to light a fire.

She stomped over to where Qibli sat, still embracing Skua, "You! SandWing! Back away from my daughter!" She roared, tossing Qibli to the side.

"Skua, my darling," Queen Coral's voice was filled with fake worry, "are you alright? Did that SandWing hurt you?" Coral grilled, examining Skua's face before tugging her into a too-tight hug.

Skua pulled away, Qibli noticed she looked uncomfortable, "I'm fine mother. And Qibli did nothing to hurt me, he's helped me more than you realize." He scrambled to his feet and made an awkward smile in an attempt to cool the furious queen down. She shot him a cold glare as if to say, 'Hurt her and it'll be the last thing you do'.

Queen Coral smiled at her, now blind, daughter. "Well, I would love to meet this Qibli." She said his name like he wasn't in the same room as her.

Qibli thrummed his talons on the floor, itching to get out of there. I can't just leave Skua alone with this psycho. He thought, "Um- Hello, Your Majesty I'm Qibli, one of Queen Thorn's Outclaws."

She looked him up and down, her gaze felt like it could penetrate his soul. "Interesting," She mumbled, "and why were you in contact with my daughter?"

"Uh- Well, you see Your Highness I kind of, saved her."

Coral perched her brow, Qibli shuddered slightly, his zigzagging nose-scar ached with the movement. "Well, in that case, I believe a proper thank you is in order." She strode closer to Qibli, "I hereby thank you, Qibli of the SandWings, for risking your life in order to save Princess Skua's." Her face was straight, she didn't want to thank him. Not now; not ever.

Qibli cleared his throat, "Well- uh- Your Majesty, Princess Skua and I must be off to class."

The queen let out a disapproving sniff, "I suppose you're right."

One of the medical RainWings tried to protest but Qibli cut her off with a swish of his barbed tail. Grabbing Skua by the forearm he started to walk out, guiding her around the beds.


Skua's POV

"What's going on?" I questioned, Qibli guided me through the winding halls of Jade Mountain.

He huffed, "We're getting you away from your mother." Even though I was without sight I could feel Qibli's determination.

Once we were far enough away from my mother he stopped, I could hear running water, "Where are we?" I questioned, fidgeting with my bracelet slightly. He led me closer to the where I thought the water would be, I wasn't prepared for the slight chill of the underground lake.

I dove down under the water, the feel of home swept through me. I glided on the surface with grace and ease. I heard a big splash and giggling, "What? What's happening?" I asked, disturbed. I paddled over; Qibli had fallen into the water, no, he was pushed in.

I bobbed towards the giggling, "Anemone! Why did you do that?" I demanded from my half-sister. I helped Qibli out of the water, he was shaking from head to tail. I tried to look at my half-sister but I couldn't tell where she was.

"I'm over here, you jellyfish." I spun on Anemone and swatted her with my tail.

Qibli grabbed my right arm, "Hey, now; it was just a practical joke." I shot Anemone a menacing-but-not look.

"Yeah, listen to your boyfriend, Skua." Anemone taunted, I felt my face flush and my cheeks felt hot. Anemone giggled at my reaction.

"He's not my boyfriend, you cod fish." I protested, with little effect. Ugh, I hate Anemone. She is so snobby. I thought with disdain. "C'mon Qibli, let's get away from this brat." I emphasized the last word and Qibli helped lead me out of the cave.

What did she mean "boyfriend"? He's not my boyfriend. She is just jealous her hybrid half-sister is making more friends than she is.

But Qibli doesn't like me like that.


A/N: Man do I love torturing you guys with cliffhangers. And I'm sorry I haven't posted in what? Two, three days? I've had trouble writing this chapter since it doesn't go with the plot of Moon Rising but I think it all worked out in the end. And thank you all for 1.3k reads, it truly is a dream-come-true. And a special thanks to Jasmin_Twilightmoon and Moonwatcher4567 for always being supportive and for always commenting their interest in the book. Also, on the behalf of Moonwatcher4567 I'd like to shout out her book, Blue as the Ocean, please go check it out, I think it's a wonderful book and it also gives a bit more of Skua's past (through the eyes of Lapis, her other half-sister).

So long for now!


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