Chapter 18

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"C'mon!" I called to Moon who was having a bit of trouble keeping pace. She huffed behind us but we kept charging on.

We got strange looks from dragons who were peeking out from the mouths of their sleeping caves. I mean, when you looked at it out of perspective: a SandWing Outclaw, an outcasted NightWing, and a hybridized SeaWing princess, all running together sounded quite odd.

Qibli ran faster than me so I opened my wings. The royal patterns under my wings flashing in high alert and anxious nerves, a habit that they'd had since I was only about two moons old. Mother had always found it funny about me, but it usually spiked it's brightest when I was in a room with my (now dead) stepfather.

My SandWing companion looked over to my wings for a split second before finding my gaze. "Icicle could have killed Clay in the prey center. So why didn't she?"

I felt sweat beading down my face. "Clay is the biggest of the five. She most likely wants to take off the weakest link first."

"Sunny, perhaps?" Moon quearied.

Qibli shook his head, his amber drop earring swishing, "No. Sunny's not that easy to kill."

It took a moment before the gears clicked into place in our heads- both our minds like one. "Starflight!" All three of us yelled in a terrified unison.

This time we took off with a fear in our flight.

We zipped through the stone corridors with a prowess of terror.

We had just reached the library when we saw a horrific sight. Icicle with her talon outstretched, ready to strike the unknowing blind librarian whom was carefully placing strolls in their designated slots.

"Starflight, look out!" Qibli screamed at the top of his lungs.

In one swift move Icicle grabbed the NightWing and whipped around to face us. Starflight gasped from her ice cold grip. "Don't do anything stupid." Icicle warned.

"Icicle, stop. There doesn't need to be anymore killing. You can go anywhere, we won't stop you. Just don't harm him." I begged.

"You can still go home now. If you kill me, Queen Glacier might not take you back." Starflight rasped.

Moon looked desperate as she tried to reason with the niece of the queen of IceWings, "You can't trust Queen Scarlet. Set him free, and we won't tell anyone you were conspiring with Scarlet." She promised.

"How did you know that?" Icicle demanded.

I heard talonsteps approaching, suddenly a familiarly icy voice spoke, "Queen Scarlet?"

I turned to find none other than Icicle's brother, Winter, in all of his silver glory. His wings were flared and his expression was as coldly fierce as ever. "Icicle, what are you doing?"

"Stay out of this, Winter." Icicle commands. "Or be helpful and go kill Sunny."

Winter looked bewildered, "What are you talking about? Why would we do that?!"

Icicle chided him with her tongue. "Mother always said you weren't as strong or smart as Hailstorm." Winter deflated with that comment. Icicle suddenly whipped her head around to face Qibli, who had his deadly scorpions' barb aimed high. "I see you edging closer SandWing. I'll take the librarian with me. I'll release him once I'm a safe distance away."

"She's lying. She'll kill him as soon as she gets a chance." Moon informed us.

From the way Icicle's mouth was propped I could tell she was going to use her frostbreath, these natural instincts came easy, thank the moons I was half IceWing. Icicle slowly brought her head to face Qibli. NO! I thought before leaping in front of him, my wings flared. "Qibli!" I yelled.

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