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Meanwhile, on the largest moon

Time lay sprawled across her clock tower throne, her crown of thorns flipping from claw to claw, she felt horribly bored. Although she had all the entertainment in the world- past, present, and future- she couldn't escape the grasp of boredom.

She sighed, her children ought to have an update on the world's happenings, but none of her children came.

It had been what felt like hours (but in reality was only five minutes) when Time finally saw her three favorite children walking closer to her throne room. They were the ones who most often made her proud. She looked like a crossbreeds between all the dragons in existence, her children on the other talon, were each a representation of the tribes. All assigned to the wellbeing and maintenance of the destiny's of each dragon belonging to their accordance.

Sand, her eldest child, was the illustration of the SandWings. They always tried to keep their mother happy, which was fun because, just to keep Time pleased, they started the War of SandWing succession. Sand was Time's favorite child.

Sea, the next born, was one to keep the destinies of their dragons low so they didn't have to work much. Although, they could be one to stir up a storm when pushed just right. They embodied the SeaWing tribe.

Ice was the most formal out of Time's children, they barely gave their dragons destinies but when they did Time was thrilled. This particular child of Time's was the symbol of the IceWings.

Next came Night, Time's least favorite child. Night was one who was stuck-up and cocky. Although, their dragons- the NightWings- were the ones who inherited Time's gift of prophecy and foresight she could care less about them. The only thing the NightWings, and Night themself, were good for was entertainment.

After Night came Sky, a moody and opulent child who was to be the personification of the SkyWings. Time was not particularly happy with her SkyWing offspring.

Then came her child known to the MudWings as the Great Dragon of Mud, otherwise known as, Mud. Mud generally had no exciting happenings among their dragons and usually shied away from their mother. They acted better around their siblings, just as MudWings do.

Lastly there was Rain. Rain was one of Time's more favorite children, they expressed the nature of the beautiful RainWings. Though they usually were to be found napping in the warm sunlight and barely ever watched after their charges Time felt as if the change of personality was nice.

Yes, Time did have more children but, for the sake of our story she would hate to tell who they are.

And before you ask, yes, Time does know who you are. She knows who everyone is, no matter if they are from the past, the present, or far into the future. Well, as we were.

Time's most favorite children- Ice, Sea, and Sand- were talking at each other (and by talking at each other I do not mean talking to each other.) They took a hard right, ending them up in Time's throne room which had the resemblance of an old clock. They strolled on in and didn't look up until they were each at the foot of her throne.

"Mother," Ice said with cold regard. "We have noticed you've been extremely bored lately and we have brought you some information we hope you'll find to be of glorious timing."

Time glanced down at her children, she placed her crown back onto her head before sitting up stock straight. "Marvelous. Do tell."

Sea flicked their tail to their maw, digging a piece of moonfruit out of their teeth, "Yeah, Ma, it's a real firecracker." Sea gestured to the firecrackers that were strewn across the floor.

Time rolled her eyes, "Get on with it. You're boring me. And you know what happened to Beetle when they bored me." All three of Time's children gulped.

"W-well, Mother, we have prepared a wonderfully thrilling prophecy- with added drama of course- for you." Sand pulled up a screen that displayed Jade Mountain Academy in its early years. "We have called it the Jade Mountain Prophecy, it takes place in 5012 AS. And as you always have loved triangles-"

Time gasped, "You didn't!"

Sea looked up from their nails, "We did!"

Time squealed, "Ohhh!! This is why you three are my favorites!!!"

Ice sighed, "If we may continue, Mother?" Their white and pale blue claws tapped impatiently on the metal floor. Their tail swished, causing a slight dent in Time's flooring. 

"Of course, go on."

Sand cleared their throat, "Well, we have all conspired to create the perfect characters for your enjoyment." Sand pulled up a view of three different dragons on the screen. "Here we have our three main characters. First we have a little invention of Ice and Sea's named Princess Skua, a hybrid princess of the SeaWings. Next up we have a little play thing of mine name Qibli. And lastly we have Ice's favorite stone-cold IceWing prince, Winter." Time studied the screen's version of the three students. She looked long and hard, in deep thought.

Time reclined in her throne. A smile playing at her lips, "Wonderful job, children. You have made Mommy very happy." She waved her talon, dismissing her offspring. They all left with curt silence.

Time looked deeper into the screen which was now playing the scenes that were playing out at this very moment, "As for you, Princess Skua," she leaned in closer to see the princess, "You are my new favorite."

"I just can't wait to see your story unfold."

{1105 words}

Alright! Whoop! This story is over.

Wow, I never thought this day would come so soon. I'm actually quite sad if I'm being honest. But I'm so happy you all have seen me through till the end.

I never thought this story would blow up, and yet, here we are, standing at the end in the midst of success. I'd like to give a big thanks to everyone who has been with me from the start and to all those who have supported me. An even bigger thanks goes to my best friend and the person who completes me, The_UltimateWOF_Fan, she has seen me through the ups and downs of this book and shall forever hold a place in my heart. Thank you for everything you've done for me, Kally.

I love you all! And remember to check in soon for the second installment of the (what I'm calling it) WSS series. It's called Ice on the Horizon and will be coming to a Wattpad fanfic writer's profile (*cough* mine *cough*) near you.

I love you all and can't wait to see you there.

Lots of love <3,

Kae Lee and Princess Skua of the SeaWings

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