Chapter 19

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I felt my body sag and my talons drag, the stone-cold ground not bothering me. Qibli was getting patched up in the medbay, Winter was sulking somewhere, Kinkajou was moons-know-where, the new girl didn't seem quite interested in making friends, and Turtle was most likely in the library scribbling on that little tablet of his.

I sighed deeply, "Why is boredom so cruel?" I called into the deserted hall.

I took a left turn, and while I was passing by Sunny's office-cave I saw a little fleck of blue catch my eye. I turned my head either which way. The coast was clear.

I slipped into the office, replacing the once-open leaf curtain and slinking in the shadows all the way to the makeshift desk, I crouched down and, to my surprise, found a small, blue star-shaped gem. A dreamvisitor. I picked it up, it was quite heavy. Hmm, I could take it. I weighed it in my talons, one one talon I could take it and be caught for stealing, on the other talon I could leave it, and on the third talon I could- What could I do? I thought back to all my friends until a small, nervous, green SeaWing popped into my vision.

That's it. I could use Turtle's magic. I thought back and amended my thought, well I couldn't use it directly, I don't want my favorite brother to end up like Albatross. I could use that magic-multiplying-bowl of his. 

I sighed, more snooping. So. Fun.

It took me a while to twist through the halls to my brother's cave, gladly Umber wasn't here anymore to add to my list of setbacks. I sneakily snaked my pale blue form into Turtle's room. My ears twisting about as to alert me of danger.

My ears perked up. Talonsteps. I stayed still in the shadows of Turtle's room as I waited for the recede of the noise.

It faded and I let out a breath I didn't know I'd held. I slinked over to Turtle's moss bed and lifted it. There sat a small pouch of his meager possessions. Of course, he'd put his valuable animus enchanted items in a bag in the most obvious spot in all of Pyrrhian history.

I gently undid the knot at the top of the pouch. I shook it and all of its contents clattered to the floor beside my talons. I flinched at the noise.

"Moons, get it together, Skua." I scolded myself in the dark.

I grabbed the three pieces of importance and placed them together just as Turtle taught me. I tenderly placed the dreamvisitor in the dip. "One, please."

Pop! Another exact replica of the first. Phew, it'd worked. Now let's hope the magic still works.

I stuffed the contents of the pouch back in and set the knotted thing back in its original spot. I scooped the two dreamvisitors in my talons and hurried off back to Sunny's cave.

I made it. I had put the original back. I made sure no one had the evidence that I was ever there.

I was a ghost.

"Where shall I put you?" I muttered to the dreamvisitor that currently was laying in my palm. I fiddled with my bracelet before realizing- Now I remember! I'd had the artisans who'd crafted my bracelet hollow out a spot for me to put a few small items in there. "It may take up the whole pocket but at least it'll be safe." I reminded myself.

I set the dreamvisitor securely in my pocket of skyfire before a jumpy little ball of furious yellow pounced on my back. "Skua! I can't believe I missed everything! You're totally heroes!" Kinkajou yelled in her squeaky, high-pitched voice. "Although I'm kind of confused because Sora what but Icicle was totally scary but saving her brother so I get it but, attacking my winglet! My best friend! Not OK!" I covered my ears as she rolled off my back.

Qibli walked up giggling, "I see someone's all better." I said, punching his arm.

"Oh! Moons! Kinkajou, she's killed me! I'm melting." He yelped, falling to the ground theatrically.

Moon padded up to us. Turtle was following a few tails behind. Had I been caught? I scanned Turtle's face for rare signs of anger. None showed, thank the moons.

"Hey, guys. Have you seen Turtle?" Moon asked.

"I'm right here."

A small bead of sweat flung from Moon's face as she turned. "-Oh! Uh, can I see your armband?" He slid it off his arm and passed it to her. "Where did these stones come from, Turtle?"

"It's kind of a cool story. I was out swimming with Skua and the night comet came. This big, black rock fell through the sky, trailing fire, until it hit the ocean and sank. We found some pieces and had them fashioned into our armbands."

"Skyfire. That's what Onyx calls it. She has a piece of it, too. It turns out Skyfire blocks out mindreading. That's why I can't hear Onyx or Turtle or Skua, or anyone, if I'm the one holding it." Moon explained, I cocked my head out of interest. "Turtle, I wondered- could Kinkajou, Qibli, and Winter have one of these rocks? I don't know if the new hybrid has one or not, and I really don't want my secret to get out to more dragons."

Turtle fidgeted with the band, trying to pry one of the stones out, "Oh, Teardrop? She's harmless. A real sweetheart. But to answer your question, yeah, they can have one." Turtle managed to get one out and handed it to Qibli, the second went to Kinkajou. "I'll just gift it to Teardrop as a 'token of friendship'."

"Sounds great, I'll take Winter his and explain everything." Moon said, halfway out of the cave entrance.

Qibli cleared his throat, "Actually, I have bad news. Winter's gone. Bandit's cage is missing, too."

{1042 words}

Hope y'all liked it! I mean, we've got one more chapter and the epilogue to go so I think y'all'd be long gone if you didn't but, thanks for being patient with my lazy butt. I've been putting this off for days. But I hope y'all get something nice to eat.

Speaking of food there's a nice slice of pumpkin-chocolate-chip bread on the counter for me so, if you don't mind, I'm gonna stop it here.

Have a lovely day my friends.


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