Newfound feelings

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Stiles stepped into Derek's loft, expecting the usual silence he was greeted with. However, it was a bustling room of people. His people. Isaac and Derek were unloading grocery bags onto the kitchen counter. Kira and Lydia were setting up candles in a row on the large table by the window, while Malia carried bags up the winding stairs. Even Peter was there, reclined on the couch, his feet propped on the coffee table.

Scott must have noticed the frown on Stiles' face because he nudged him with his elbow gently, giving an encouraging smile.

"Stiles." Derek's voice pulled his attention from his best friend.

"I'll show you your room. Kira, why don't you show Scott where you'll be sleeping." Derek nodded to the stairs.

"I'm sleeping somewhere different?" Stiles asked as Derek reached his side.

"Peter and I decided you should be between us." Derek nodded to the three doors on the right side of the room.

"Peter's staying?" Stiles glanced to where he was still laid back on the couch.

"It'd be a shame if, after everything, we lost you." Peter shrugged. "You're the clever one."

Stiles bit his bottom lip. Peter often called him that. He couldn't decide if it was a compliment to him or an insult to the others.

"He'll be staying in his old room for now. It's where he stayed before he got his apartment. Kira and Scott will be staying in Erica's room. Isaac has his own room, and Lydia and Malia will be in Boyd's old room."

Derek pushed open the door to the middle bedroom to see it was bare other than a queen bed and a side table.

"Whose room was this?" Stiles asked.


Stiles only nodded.

"Don't worry, the sheets are clean," Peter said from directly behind Stiles.

"That's the least of my worries." Stiles frowned at the empty room.

"There isn't a safer room in this place. Other than mine, of course." Peter winked. "No windows, unlike the upstairs rooms. And you'll be in between myself and Derek. And nothing gets past us."

Stiles nodded. That did make him feel a little better.

"I'll have the alarm set every night." Derek could still see the worry on Stiles' face.

Stiles nodded again.

Peter tilted his head and hummed. "You're not worried about your safety, though, are you?"

Stiles didn't respond.

"May I remind you that Lydia saw your dead body in her little Banshee vision and no one else?" Peter pointed out.

"Yeah, and what if you all trying to protect me changes that? What if instead of me, she sees you?" Stiles snapped.

"I'm much more resilient than that."

"You only look out for yourself. Why are you really here?" Stiles narrowed his eyes.

"Call it curiosity." Peter smiled.

"I don't buy it."

"And that, Stiles, is why you're the clever one." Peter turned and made his way to the kitchen, leaving Stiles with Derek.

"I know you don't trust him, but he's willing to protect you, so he stays," Derek said calmly.

"Isn't this a bit overkill?" Stiles gestured to the room of people. Kira and Scott had rejoined everyone.

"They're here for you," Derek said.

"And if they get hurt, it'll be because of me."

A sharp scent of vinegar hit Derek's nose. Guilt. It was followed by the metallic smell of rust. A smell he was used to smelling on Stiles. Worry. He wanted to offer some words of encouragement, but he knew what it was like to feel responsible for the ones you lost. And how it felt to worry about losing more.

"They wouldn't be here if they didn't care," he said instead.

"Is that why you're here?" Stiles scoffed.

Derek's brows furrowed. "Yes."

Stiles blinked up at Derek. He'd not been expecting that answer.

"You've saved my life and come to my aid more than... anyone."

"So obligation." Stiles snorted, rolling his eyes. He went to walk away, but Derek caught his wrist.

"No," he said sternly. "We're This is what family does."

Stiles swallowed. He never expected Derek to consider him a friend, much less family. He gave a nod.

Derek released Stiles. He noted the citrusy scent of surprise. He knew he wasn't good at showing his emotions, but he was sure that Stiles was aware of the mutual respect and trust between them.

Stiles joined the others in the room. He watched as Lydia explained her idea with the candles. Meditation.

Peter reached his side. "You're fond is showing, nephew."

Derek turned a glare to Peter. Of course Peter would be the one to pick up on his newfound feelings for Stiles.

"It's a good look on you. I would be surprised that Stiles is the one to elicit such feelings, but...well, I get it."

Derek let out a low growl in Peter's direction.

"Easy now, I'm simply pointing out the facts. When did these newfound feelings start, I wonder?"

Derek didn't respond. Instead, he continued to glare.

"Perhaps it was when he helped with the wolfsbane bullet. Or when he saved you from drowning. Or perhaps when he came back for you in the hospital."

"Are you done?" Derek huffed, his arms crossing.

"Or," Peter smirked. "Maybe it's all of those moments. And maybe you just didn't realize it until we almost lost him to the nogitsune."

Derek's jaw clenched, his eyes darting to where Stiles was standing in front of the candle with his eyes closed.

"I think we have a winner." Peter seemed pleased with himself.

Derek let out another growl.

Peter raised his voice so that Stiles could hear. "Oh, are we doing a magic trick? I love magic tricks."

Derek watched Peter join the others in watching Stiles. He stayed where he was and tried not to dwell on Peter's words. He knew that Peter was right, but he hadn't admitted it to himself yet. He tried to chalk it up to the fact that he considered Stiles a pack member now. But deep down he knew that wasn't it.

He watched Stiles place one hand on the table next to the candle, and the other hand held a small herb in his palm. He closed his eyes and blew the herb towards the candle. The small pieces flew off his hand and swirled around the wick of the candle before igniting into flame.

The pack erupted into applause as the candle was now lit. The excited smile on Stiles' face made Derek's chest ache. Peter was definitely right about his feelings, and it scared the hell out of him.

Hope you like it! 😊💚

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