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Derek tucked Stiles in closer to him, his eyes narrowing at Keller.

"Dara pack," Derek repeated as if waiting for more information.

"We've recently rolled into town and-"

"I'm aware. This territory is already claimed, as I'm sure you know," Derek said sternly.

"Ah, we weren't sure you noticed."

"I assumed you were just passing through, though taking up residency has made me curious."

Keller smiled, his stance not shifting. "We expected a visit from you, seeing as how it never came, I've been sent to speak with you."

"I don't tend to involve myself in the business of other packs unless necessary. I apologize if you feel slighted."

"I will pass on the apology." Keller bowed his head respectfully. So much about this man was respectful. Derek had expected harsh demands and a fight. Not diplomacy.

"What can I do for you?" Derek asked, keeping his arm around Stiles in a protective manner as Keller's eyes fell on him.

Keller inhaled, his nostrils flaring. "You're strong," he said to Stiles.

Stiles was tired and queasy, but he fought for stoicism.

"Yes, he is. What can I do for you?" Derek repeated, his tone lowering into a growl.

"A proposition." Keller focused his attention back on Derek. "We've been observing you and yours."

Stiles' scent spiked. Worry filled the room. The way Keller's eyes darted to him said that he smelled it, too.

"What kind of proposition?" Derek demanded.

"You don't need two emissaries."

Derek's jaw clenched.

"We have been in search of our emissary for some time now. Claudia Gajos. Or as you might know her as, Claudia Stilinski. Am I pronouncing that correctly?"

"She's not here," Derek said.

"Indeed. She was taken from us too soon, but she has a child." Keller let out a huffed laugh, "My apologies, she has two children." His eyes cut to Stiles once more.

"Your point?"

"We want Spencer."

"How do you know me?" Stiles asked, causing Derek's head to snap toward him.

Keller tilted his head, inhaling again. "So you're Spencer?"

"What do you want with him?" Derek asked instead. If Stiles answered, Keller would hear the lie.

"As mentioned before, we've been in search of our emissary for a while. Claudia is no longer with us, but her sons are. We understand you have a close connection to the other one, Stiles, was it?" Keller's eyes landed on Stiles and where Derek's arm was protectively wrapped around him.

Derek's jaw ached with how hard he was clenching it. Just hearing this wolf say Stiles' name made him want to rip his throat out.

"We will leave your pack alone, no trouble. All that we ask is that you turn Spencer over to us."

"You're going to come into an alpha's territory and demand they give up a pack member, and your only offer is no trouble?"

"You have no need for two emissaries."

"Both Stiles and Spencer are under my protection. Emissary or not."

Keller raised his chin, his shoulders going rigid. "You're denying our request." It wasn't posed as a question, but he waited for an answer anyway.

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