Won you over that quickly

591 31 28

Stiles' pacing was the only sound in the quiet of Deaton's office. His shoes scuffed against the ceramic tiles as he spun, retracing his steps toward the other end of the room for the dozenth time.

"And you said he came looking for Derek?" Deaton asked. A frown was embedded into his usually calm expression.

Stiles stopped his pacing. "Yeah. What would my supposed twin want with Derek?" he threw up a hand.

"I assure you, Stiles, I don't know anything about this."

Stiles drug a hand down his face. "If you don't know then..." he trailed off, dropping into a chair near the door. His teeth sunk into his bottom lip. He had hoped Deaton would know something. Or at least have an idea.

"I'm sorry I can't be of more use," Deaton apologized.

"It's not your fault. It was a shot in the dark." Stiles shrugged.

There was a pause before Stiles spoke again.

"He has magic."

This caused Deaton to raise his brows in interest. "Like you?"

"No, I mean, he just..." Stiles waved a hand through the air. "has it."

Deaton glanced at the herbs on his counter.

"He doesn't need any of that." Stiles sneered at the glass jars. "He just snaps his fingers and boom, fire."

"That is most curious," Deaton hummed. "I knew you had something in you that just needed some help, but if Spencer is truly your brother, then that means someone in your family is a Spark."

Stiles blinked at Deaton. "I'm sorry, what?"

Deaton opened a cabinet and pulled out a book. It looked like every book Deaton ever pulled out—old and leather with worn edges and thick pages.

"There are two types of Sparks. Natural and taught. You, much like myself, are a taught Spark. We need to draw in the energy before we can use it. We need a sort of conduit. Like the herbs you've been using." He gestured to the glass jars. "My sister is a natural Spark. She has the energy already within her. She need only control it." He gestured to a page in his book.

"Why aren't you a natural too?" Stiles asked, pushing to his feet.

"There's usually only one in a generation. Very rarely two. A natural Spark can only be born from a natural Spark, which means..."

"Mom," Stiles breathed out, his eyes falling to the book laid out on Deaton's table.

"I assumed your mother had some magic since you have a spark." Deaton nodded.

"Can a taught Spark be born of someone non-magical?"

"I've never heard of it, but it could be possible. Taught Sparks can be born from taught Sparks. But a natural Spark... that doesn't happen unless one of the parents was a natural Spark."

"So mom had to be a natural Spark if Spencer is really my..." Stiles trailed off. The word "brother" felt like a curse word on his tongue. He couldn't bring himself to say it.

"I'd very much like to meet him. Perhaps I can confirm your uncertainties."

"What do you mean?" Stiles snapped his head toward Deaton.

"Magic can leave a sort of residue. Only for a short time. If I can inspect his magic and compare it to yours... I might be able to confirm that he is truly who he says he is."

Stiles only frowned.

"Think of it like a fingerprint. For a short period of time, I can see the fingerprint left behind by the magic, and, like a DNA test, I can compare it to yours to prove he's your brother."

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