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*Several months later*

Stiles drug Spencer up the flight of stairs to Derek's loft.

"Couldn't we have stopped by to pick up your hoodie later? Lydia promised I could pick the movie this time if I beat her to the movie store," Spencer whined.

"Lydia will never let you pick the movie despite what she says. She will make you watch the notebook again. Trust me," Stiles said louder than necessary, hoping everyone inside would hear him.

Spencer sighed and crossed his arms as Stiles pulled the door open.


The pack leapt from their hiding places, throwing confetti in celebration.

Spencer's eyes widened at the balloons, and streamers hung from the ceiling. "What is this?"

"Happy Birthday." Stiles patted him on the back.

Spencer frowned.

"We figured you'd never had a surprise party before and thought you deserved one."

"But it's your birthday too." Spencer frowned.

"Not right now. Right now, we're celebrating you." Stiles pushed Spencer into the loft where Noah pulled him into a hug.

"Happy Birthday, son."

Stiles smiled at the tears that Spencer blinked away.

"We pulled it off," Derek said, wrapping an arm around Stiles' waist.

"Thank you for your help." Stiles pressed up, placing a kiss on Derek's lips.

"Stiles, I can't get these stupid candles to light," Malia groaned, clicking the lighter fruitlessly.

Stiles grabbed at the air as if swiping something from it. He then blew into his palm, and the candles all lit effortlessly.

"You're getting better at that." Derek smiled.

"Deaton's been teaching me how to use the elements around me so I don't have to keep pockets full of herbs," he beamed.

"Cake is ready," Malia called.

The pack gathered around the table.

"Thanks for this," Spencer said, catching Stiles' wrist and holding him back for a moment.

"See if you'd run off to Washington, you wouldn't have been here for this," Stiles teased, poking Spencer in the nose.

Spencer laughed, rolling his eyes. "Yeah, yeah."

"I'm glad you stayed," Stiles said, his tone growing serious.

Spencer smiled warmly. "Me too."

"Blow out the candles," Lydia said as Spencer approached.

A grin spread across Stiles' face as Spencer snapped his fingers, and all the candles went out.

"Cheater," Lydia grumbled.

Stiles was glad that Spencer was a part of his life. It was still taking some getting used to, but he liked having him around.

Double upload because the epilogue wasn't enough to post by itself.
This is the end! I kind of lost steam for this story a handful of chapters back so I apologize if it's not the best. But I appreciate all the comments and votes and loved reading all your theories! Thanks for reading along and keep an eye out for a project in the next month or so. 😊

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