A plan

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Derek pulled the jeep into the parking lot of the loft. He let his fingers card over the steering wheel. He never drove the jeep, but it made him feel close to Stiles. He remembered the first time he rode in the jeep. He was dying of wolfsbane poisoning. Stiles had been annoyed with him, but despite his threats, he never tossed him to the curb. He was prepared to do whatever was necessary to help save Derek's life. A smile pulled at his lips at the memory of Stiles' panic when he thought he was going to have to cut off Derek's arm.

"Thank you," Spencer said, pulling Derek from his wandering thoughts.

Derek blinked. "For what?"

"Everything. I get what Stiles sees in you." Spencer grinned.

Derek caught his arm before he could exit the jeep. "What he sees in me?"

Spencer rolled his eyes. "When we get him back, I'm locking you two in a room together until you talk."

"Stiles and I talk all the time," Derek said, releasing Spencer.

"Maybe, but neither of you listen."

Derek's brows pinched. "Even if..." he paused, trying to find the right words. "He deserves better. He deserves to leave this town and never look back. He deserves—"

"To make his own choices with all the information."

Derek knew he was just making excuses. He was simply afraid. "I don't want to lose him," He whispered. He wouldn't normally say these things out loud to anyone, but Spencer made it easy. Or maybe he just looked like Stiles and Stiles made it easy.

"Didn't he date Malia?" Spencer frowned.

"Briefly," Derek answered.

"They're still friends. And if you mean like to dangers or something..." Spencer waved a hand around. "Not being with him isn't gonna make that less difficult."

Derek's jaw clenched. Spencer was definitely a Stilinski.

"Come on. Let's figure out how to get him back, and then you can worry about dating him."

Derek silently followed Spencer inside where the pack was gathered around Lydia. Her hands had a death grip on Isaac's, and her eyes were clenched shut.

"What's going on?" Derek asked.

"She had another vision, but it was just a flash. She's trying to recreate it," Kira explained.

"She's been going through each of us trying to spark something like she did with him." Malia gestured to Spencer.

"I think I can help if—"

"Damn it," Lydia snapped, releasing Isaac. "Where's Peter—" She cut herself off. "When did you two get back?"

"Here, try me again. I think I can do it this time." Spencer shook out his shoulders and sat down across from Lydia.

"Are you sure this is—" Scott didn't get the rest of his sentence out before Lydia was latching onto Spencer's hands.

"What happened?" Derek asked Scott.

"She got a glimpse of Stiles unconscious and a spray of blood, but she said it was too quick. She's been frantically trying to get more."

Derek's heart sank in his chest. They were wasting time. He was about to say as much when Lydia's breath caught.

Spencer's eyes didn't leave Derek. Tears sprung to them. The smell of grief and desperation hung in the air. The candle next to Spencer lit in a tall flame.

Derek put a hand on Spencer's shoulder. He watched the flame, expecting it to roar out of control, but it licked at the air tamely.

Lydia's hands gripped Spencer's tightly. Her eyes were screwed shut.

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