No More Secrets

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Silence filled the room as Stiles sat at their kitchen table. For years it had been just him and his father at this table. Oftentimes times a half-empty bottle of Jack held down reports and files as his father poured over them. Other times math homework and chemistry notes covered the oak top. Most of the time, though, it was Noah's poor attempt at dinner, or takeout Stiles had grabbed for them between his father's shifts. Right now though, it was a lasagna Melissa had dropped off in an attempt to check on Noah and Stiles, and to meet Spencer.

Noah served the still-warm pasta onto three plates as the silence crushed them.

"You okay, Dad?" Stiles finally asked when Noah set two plates a bit harshly in front of him and Spencer.

Noah looked at Stiles with a stern look. It was one he often wore when he got a call home from school or when he'd caught Stiles in a lie.

Stiles swallowed, prepared for whatever was coming. However, his father turned his eyes to Spencer.

"Your stuff is gone." It wasn't accusing, but his tone wasn't gentle.

Spencer's eyes cut to Stiles as if looking for the right answer.

"He's staying with us at Derek's," Stiles responded.

Noah's face softened. "Oh. So you're not leaving?"

Spencer only shook his head.

"Good. I was worried that Stiles had said something." Noah sat back in his chair.

Silence hovered over them again as they picked at their lasagna.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on or do I need to drag Derek to the station?"

Stiles' head jerked up from where it was bent over his plate. "What? Why would you do that?"

"Well, you're both staying with him, which means something is going on." Noah crossed his arms over his chest, studying Stiles.

"We figured he should be part of the pack bonding experience. I mean, if he's gonna be staying with us and all, he's gotta know how we do things. Plus he can do magic. Like way better than me so..." Stiles gestured at Spencer with his fork, nearly flinging mozzarella cheese onto his lap.

"And Derek's just okay with that?"

"Yeah." Stiles shrugged, shoveling a bite of lasagna into his mouth.

Noah narrowed his eyes at the twins.

Spencer dropped his gaze to his plate, pulling his lower lip between his teeth.

"Spencer, you've got to work on your poker face. What's really going on?" Noah's eyes shifted back to Stiles.

"Dude." Stiles threw his hands up.

"What? You said let you do all the talking. You didn't say he could read minds," Spencer huffed, slumping in his chair.

Noah's mouth split into a half grin. "While I'm pleased to see you two getting along, I don't appreciate that you're already teaching him how to hide things from me. So... spit it out."

"It's really nothing, Dad," Stiles sighed, hoping his father would drop it. But he should have known better.

"Is this about that pack that moved into town? Cause I told you, we were looking into it."

Stiles paused, his fork halfway to his mouth. "What pack?"

"The one I mentioned the other day before you dropped this bombshell on me." Noah gestured to Spencer.

Stiles set his fork down and drug a hand down his face. "Right, I completely forgot about that," he muttered.

"So far they moved into a rental on the corner of Sal and Haven. Not a lot of activity."

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