Derek and Peter

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Stiles trudged into the kitchen, sleep still heavy on his shoulders. He reached for a mug from the drawer and paused. Sitting in the kitchen sink were two mugs. He knew for a fact that Derek did the dishes last night. He'd shamefully watched the way his muscles moved under his shirt as he did them.

"Morning, Stiles," Spencer said, coming into the kitchen with a cup of coffee in his hands already. "Thought I heard you up and moving."

"I could have sworn Derek did dishes last night," Stiles answered, his eyes not leaving the mugs.

"Oh, I had trouble sleeping, so he made us tea."

Stiles' head whipped to face Spencer, his heart sinking to his feet. "What?"

"I was having trouble so sleeping, so he made us tea. We talked for a bit. He's a good listener."

Stiles' hands gripped the counter so hard that his knuckles turned white. He knew very well how good of a listener Derek was. He didn't like that Spencer knew. Tea in the middle of the night was their thing. Or he thought it was.

"You okay?" Spencer asked, pulling Stiles from his spiraling thoughts.

"Yeah." Stiles forced a smile. "Where is Derek?"

"I haven't seen him." Spencer shrugged.

"Where is everyone else?"

"Uh, Scott said Kira just text that they were headed back. Something about Malia driving?"

"The girls took Malia out driving about an hour ago. They're on their way back. Derek and Peter left like twenty minutes ago to talk to Deaton about a contact of his." Isaac said, walking down the stairs; Scott behind him.

Stiles whirled to face them. "Derek and Peter?"

"Yeah?" Isaac frowned, glancing at Scott.

"Yeah, they left like twenty minutes ago." Scott nodded.

Stiles flailed his arms through the air. "You let Derek and Peter go out alone?"

Scott shrugged. "They were together. Buddy system."

"Buddy syst- You let Derek and Peter, the two people Lydia saw almost die in her vision go out together?"

"But you saved them in her vision."

"If I'm there." Stiles flailed again.

"But if you aren't there, then you don't die." Scott pointed out.

"But they will!"

Stiles ran a hand down his face. "They went to Deaton's, you said?" he asked, grabbing his keys from the hook by the door. He slid his shoes on.

"You're not going," Scott grabbed his arm, keeping him from walking out the door.

"I'm not letting them die, Scott."

"What about you?"

Stiles' eyes fell on Spencer behind Scott. He saw that look in the mirror every day. He was scared.

"I have to."

"You're not going alone." Spencer stepped forward.

"They want you, remember? You stay here," Stiles snapped.

"I'm coming with you. Isaac, stay with Spencer." Scott pulled his own shoes on.

Stiles didn't waste any more time arguing. He had to get to Derek and Peter. He couldn't let anything happen to them. Fear gripped at his chest at the thought of Derek dead. He couldn't lose him. He couldn't.

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