Figure it out

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Derek stepped towards Stiles' house tentatively as if it were going to suck him in and swallow him whole. Or, more realistically, he was going to find that Spencer wasn't a threat. As much as that should have been his hope, he wasn't sure he wanted Spencer to be one of the good guys. It was hard enough having Stiles around all the time. But having two of them? Derek didn't know if he couldn't handle it.

He raised a hand, poised to knock when the door opened.

"Derek," Scott said in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"I was hoping to talk to Spencer. Are you leaving?" Derek noted the keys clutched in Scott's hand.

"We were actually gonna go get some lunch." Scott gestured over his shoulder towards Spencer.

Derek met Spencer's eyes. It was strange looking at someone who looked exactly like Stiles but wasn't him. "If you want to meet up with the pack, I can take over for a bit," Derek offered, dragging his eyes back to Scott.

Spencer scoffed. "I don't need a babysitter."

Derek and Scott both raised their brows. A smirk played on Scott's lips. "Yeah, they're really similar, even despite not growing up together."

"It's just a precaution. We've had some... recent threats that have pretended to be the good guys," Derek said to Spencer.

Spencer sighed but didn't argue. Stiles would have argued.

"Okay, well then, Spencer, I'll see you... later, maybe?" Scott glanced at Derek questioningly.

"I'll call you later." Derek didn't think Stiles would be too keen on Scott staying with Spencer again, but he needed to ensure it was safe to leave him alone with the sheriff.

Spencer waved as Scott sprinted off to his motorcycle.

"So, Scott said that there was a good pizza place nearby. You like pizza?" Spencer asked.

"Sure." Derek gestured towards his car.

Once Spencer was settled into the passenger's side of Derek's car, he took in a breath. "So you wanted to talk?"

Derek's eyes were set on the road in front of him. "You said your mom told you to find someone named Hale."

"That's you, right?" Spencer asked. He shifted in his seat.

Derek frowned. "Did she give you another name?"

"No. Just Hale."

"Just Hale?" Derek snapped. "No first name? Like Derek or Peter?" he glanced over, looking for any kind of reaction.

"No, sorry. Peter's your uncle, right?"

Derek narrowed his eyes at Spencer.

"Scott told me."

Derek rolled his eyes. Of course Scott told him. Scott likely trusted him.

"What else did he tell you?"

"Just who everyone was. He showed me pictures."

Derek didn't know what information he expected to get from Spencer, but whatever it was, he guessed he wasn't going to be getting much.

"Did she tell you why to find me or what to do when you did?"

Spencer shook his head. "No. I'm guessing it's cause you know Stiles and she knew you could lead me to him?" he shrugged.

"Why not just tell you about him? Why be so cryptic?" Derek growled. He couldn't help the irritation that snuck in. He didn't like not knowing all the information. One of the many traits he shared and appreciated in Stiles.

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