He didn't want...

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The hospital was quiet, which made finding Melissa easy. Stiles and Derek spotted her walking away from the front desk, a file in hand.

"Melissa," Stiles called, rushing to catch her before she walked through a set of double doors.

"Stiles, Derek, what are you doing here so late?" Melissa asked, pausing. She glanced at her watch. It was after two in the morning.

"I uh, I have a favor to ask," Stiles shifted from one foot to the other. He drug his palm down the side of his pants as if he could wipe away the nerves.

"Okay," Melissa frowned, noting the nerves in Stiles' stance. "What do you need? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, umm, could you pull my mom's death records?"

Melissa paused. Her mouth started to form words,but they fell away before reaching her tongue. She looked to Derek, who was watching Stiles with sympathetic eyes.

Melissa softened her features. "Stiles, you know what happened? Why do you want to see them?"

"I just... I need to be sure." Stiles' fingers rapped on his jeans.

Melissa glanced at Derek again. "Where's Scott?"

"He's with my dad at the station. Look, I know it's a strange ask, but I just I need to see them," Stiles huffed, running his hand through his hair.

"Okay, but I don't know what you're hoping to find," Melissa said as she gestured down the hall to the records room.

"Yeah, me either," Stiles muttered. He and Derek followed after Melissa.

She scanned the hall to make sure no one was looking before ushering them in.

Stiles' skin prickled like it was humming with electricity. His heart was pounding so loud he could feel it through his whole body and hear it in his ears.

"Stilinski... Claudia... here we go," Melissa pulled a file. She opened it and flipped a few pages before pausing. A frown pulled at her brows.

"What?" Stiles asked, his heart hammering harder.

Melissa looked up with wide, confused eyes. "The last thing we saw her for was when she was admitted for delivery, but..."

"But what?" Stiles took the folder with shaking hands. His eyes scanned the file until...

"She gave birth to twins," Melissa said.

Under 'children' were two names listed, Stiles and... Spencer.

Stiles swallowed a forming lump in his throat. "She was released three days later," he said quietly.

"I don't understand." Melissa frowned.

"Is there any way to pull up her records from somewhere else?" Stiles asked, closing the file.

"Not without knowing where."

"Can I borrow your computer?" Stiles gestured to the old computer set up in the back of the room.

Melissa only nodded.

Stiles yanked the chair back. It screeched across the floor, a deafening sound in the quiet room.

"I don't understand what is going on," Melissa said, coming up behind Stiles.

"We uh, we think we found Stiles'... twin," Derek answered when Stiles didn't.

"Oh my god." Melissa looked at Stiles, but he was too focused on the computer in front of him.

"What are you looking for?" Derek asked.

"Spencer said he was from Maine. So I'm gonna pull all the obituaries."

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