He couldn't

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Stiles laid in bed, listening to the sounds of the pack moving around in the loft. They'd all gone to bed by the time he and Derek returned the night before. He wasn't ready to talk to them. They'd have questions he didn't have the answers to. And then there was Derek. He had offered an ear for Stiles when they arrived back at the loft, but he'd insisted he just wanted to get some sleep. He didn't know how to handle Derek like this. Soft and kind. Stiles almost preferred when he was being threatened and pressed up against walls.

Stiles' phone pinged next to him, pulling his thoughts from Derek.

"Stiles, I know this is difficult, but we should really talk."

Stiles scrubbed a hand down his face. His father had called him twice on his way home the night before. But he couldn't talk about it. Not yet. Not until he knew more.

He ignored the text and climbed out of bed. He couldn't hide in his room all day. The pack wouldn't let him, and he'd rather not be cornered.


Derek sat quietly at the table as the pack gathered with their plates of eggs and bacon that Lydia had made. She refused to eat instant oatmeal or cereal again. He tried to focus on the questions being thrown at him about what happened the night before, but his mind was on Stiles. The confusion and frustration on him were troubling. Stiles had been through enough.

"Are you even listening?" Malia huffed when Derek didn't respond.

Derek pulled his thoughts back to the table. He hadn't been listening, but he knew what they were wanting. "Stiles can tell you what he wants you to know," he said.

"If there's information that could possibly save his life, then we should know it," Lydia insisted, setting her orange juice down with a harsh thunk.

Since when did he have orange juice?

"I can always ask Scott when he gets back," Kira suggested.

Derek frowned. His eyes scanned to see that Scott was indeed not there.

"Did Scott not come back last night?" Derek asked.

Kira shook her head. "He decided to stay with Spencer. Keep an eye on him just in case."

"In case of what?"

Kira only shrugged.

The door to Stiles' room opened, causing the pack to fall silent.

"No, please, don't get quiet on my account." Stiles rolled his eyes.

"You look like hell," Isaac pointed out, earning a kick from Lydia.

Stiles scoffed a laugh. "I feel like it."

"There's plenty of eggs and bacon in the kitchen," Lydia offered with a sympathetic smile.

"I'm not really hungry, thanks, though."

A silence hung in the air as Stiles slumped down on the couch, pulling his laptop onto his lap. He opened it and stared at the search bar. What was he going to search? He doubted Google had an answer to 'How did my mother fake her death'? The cursor flashed in the search bar, taunting him.

Malia huffed. "Okay, I'll bite. What happened?"

Stiles closed his eyes. Part of him had hoped that Derek or Scott would tell them, and part of them had hoped they'd just not ask.

"Spencer is... legit," Stiles answered vaguely.


"Apparently, my mother didn't die when I was born. She raised Spencer."

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