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Stiles woke to a bright light behind his eyes. He groaned. It dimmed into the vision of Derek's loft. He pushed himself up, though it was difficult with his weak arms. "What's going on?" His head spun, and his body felt like it was thrumming.

"Stiles?" he heard Spencer's voice.

"I feel weird," he said, pressing his palms to his head and dragging them down his face as if he could peel off the strange feeling.

"Take it easy," Deaton said. "You've been through a lot."

Stiles looked over to see Scott braced against the coffee table. Derek was leaning back against it as well, with Spencer slumped into his chest.

"What happened?" he blinked. Wait, how did he get here? "Where's Gatlin?"

"I'm here, Stiles," Gatlin stepped forward, a relieved smile on his face.

"You're alive." Stiles scrambled to sit up. "What happened?" he scanned the room for Madison and Keller. His shoulders slumped in relief when he saw them standing timidly at the back of the room.

"Your plan worked." Gatlin smiled. "But then you..." he shook his head. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to get hurt."

Stiles leaned back against the couch, relieved. "What happened to you guys?" he asked, his eyes falling to where Derek was holding Spencer. He tried to ignore the ping of jealousy that clawed at his chest. Had Sareen been right?

"You did a spell from the book. You weren't supposed to do that," Derek grumbled. He shifted, forcing Spencer's eyes to open. He fumbled out of Derek's grasp quickly and nearly fell face-first into the floor.

"I didn't know what else to do. She wasn't gonna let me leave, and she was gonna kill you no matter what I did. It was the only way."

"Well, the spell overpowered you. Spencer just saved your life." Deaton explained.

Stiles frowned, his eyes falling to Spencer. "You did?"

"Of course." Spencer sat up. His eyes were sunken, and his hand shook as it reached out, landing on Stiles' arm. "I'm glad it worked."

"Thank you." Stiles smiled at his brother.

"Let's get you three up off the floor. What do you say?" Isaac asked, lifting Derek, helping him to the couch.

Malia helped Spencer to the other side of Derek, and Kira helped Scott to the chair.

"Stiles." Gatlin stepped forward, holding the large spellbook. "This belongs to you."

Stiles took it with a frown. "You don't want it?"

Gatlin shook his head. "No. Not if the spells are that dangerous. Sareen said that Claudia used a spell in the book to hide from us. She said that's what got her killed. It almost got you killed. I don't want anything to do with it."

Stiles handed it to Deaton. He pushed himself to his feet. He was weak, but he managed.

"I'm glad you won." Stiles held out a hand to Gatlin. "Congratulations."

Gatlin smiled, taking Stiles' hand. "I couldn't have done it without you."

"What will you do now?"

Gatlin glanced at Madison and Keller. "I actually wanted to ask you... I know you have a pack, but...I'd be honored if you'd be my emissary. We make a pretty good team."

Stiles' mouth fell open. All eyes in the room fell on him. "I..." he bit down on his bottom lip.

"I understand if you need to think about it. Obviously, we won't stay here, but we have no ties anywhere. We can stay close if that's your hesitation."

"You're not actually considering it, are you?" Spencer asked, tugging at Stiles' wrist.

Stiles looked down at his brother. It was a tempting offer. Gatlin was right. They did make a good team. And Derek would likely want Spencer to be his emissary.

"Why don't you take the night to think about it. We'll be leaving in the morning," Gatlin said.

Stiles only nodded. He avoided looking at the rest of the pack as Gatlin led the other two out. Part of him felt guilty for even considering it.

"If being their emissary is something that you want, we'll support you," Scott spoke up when the silence grew too thick.

Stiles smiled at Scott. He could see the sadness in his best friend's eyes. He'd be leaving everyone. The pack, Scott, his dad, and now his brother. And... his eyes landed on Derek, who was glaring down at his own hands.

"But you can't." Spencer looked around at the rest of the pack as if looking for someone to agree with him.

"Why not?"

Spencer scoffed, pushing to his feet and almost falling over. Stiles helped steady him.

"Do you even realize the hell we all went through to get you back?"

Stiles frowned. Spencer was rarely so hostile.

"Lydia spent forever trying to trigger a vision. Derek and I.... He struggled, and I did too. We had to help each other. He had to help me learn to control my magic. Peter had to keep Derek from going after you. Then you show up half-dead. Derek and Scott sacrificed their spark to save you, and I could have lost my magic. Now you want to leave?"

Stiles glanced around to see if what Spencer said was true. No one spoke against it.

"You belong here, not with Gatlin."

"I didn't realize." A warmth spread through him knowing that they had gone through so much trouble. Maybe Sareen had been lying. He assumed Spencer would take his place, and he'd hardly be missed.

"Spencer," Scott sighed. "Stiles is an emissary. If he wants to be with Gatlin, then we should support that."

Derek pushed from the couch and stalked out to the balcony.

Spencer threw his arms up. "And what about Derek?"

Stiles bit down on his bottom lip. "He has you."


"He helped you with your magic, right?" And Sareen checked in on you and said you were there for him." Stiles shrugged.

"Yeah, he helped me learn to control it, but..." Spencer shook his head.

Stiles pushed down the jealousy. He wouldn't pretend he didn't hate that Derek had gone for Spencer, but he couldn't blame either one. "That's great. I'm so glad you two... had each other." He fought for sincerity in his tone.

"It's not like that, Stiles. We were thinking of you the whole time." Spencer shook his head.

"It's fine. Really. He's pretty great, huh?" Stiles smiled, hoping it hid the disappointment on his face.

"I'm not your replacement, Stiles. I wouldn't want to be even if I could."

"I know. But..." Stiles glanced out at the balcony.

"I'm not gonna be here, anyway."

"What?" Stiles snapped his eyes back to Spencer.

"I don't belong here."

"Yes, you do. You can't leave, what about dad?"

"Oh so I can't leave, but you can?"

Stiles' shoulders slumped. "Gatlin needs me. He's new and he was right, we work well together." His eyes darted to the balcony again.

"Go talk to him."

Stiles swallowed. He didn't know why he was so hesitant. He talked to Derek all the time. Though they rarely talked about Stiles' place in the pack. He wasn't sure he wanted to hear how he wasn't needed.

Spencer pushed Stiles toward the balcony.

"He really didn't handle you being gone," Lydia piped in.

Stiles took in a deep breath before stepping out onto the balcony. He could do this. It was just Derek.

Only a couple of chapters left!

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