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Stiles' hands shook as they gripped the steering wheel. His mind was racing. Spencer Stilinski. The name kept repeating itself in Stiles' head. He had never heard his father so much as mention Spencer. His mother, though... He knew everything there was to know. He had her eye color, her wit, her charm. Sometimes, when his father was deep in a bottle, he'd admit that looking at him was a hard reminder.

He saw the lights of Derek's car bobbing behind him in the distance. Was Spencer in there? A sinking feeling hit his gut. He was too upset to worry about deciphering it.

He pulled into the Sheriff's station, and anger surged through him once again. How could his dad keep something like this from him? Where had he kept Spencer all these years? If his mother was really alive, how could his dad lie about that?

He slammed the door of his jeep. Stiles pushed through the front of the station. It was quiet this late at night. He pushed open the cracked door of his father's office. He was close to tears with how angry he was.

"Stiles, what are-" Noah looked up, but Stiles cut in.

"How long have you been lying to me?" Stiles demanded.

Noah frowned. He slowly stood to his feet. "Stiles, I was going to tell you, but you had just gone through so much, and I thought if I could handle this privately then-"

"Handle what privately?"

"Running the pack out of town."

"Running the-" Stiles cut off. "Dad, what are you talking about?"

"The new pack that moved into town a few days ago... What are you talking about?"

Stiles blinked at his dad. He heard people approaching behind him. Based on Noah's expression, Spencer was there.

"I'm talking about this." Stiles stepped aside, allowing a clear view of Spencer, who was pincered between Scott and Derek.

Noah blinked.

"It is you." Spencer took a half step forward.

"Get in here, close the door," Noah snapped.

Derek ushered Spencer inside while Scott closed the door.

"What the hell is going on here?" Noah hissed, his hands clasping onto his desk.

"Well, sir, we believe we've found your other son. Stiles'... twin?"

Noah ran a hand over his face. "I only have one son."

"You were married to Claudia?" Spencer asked, eyes wide and unblinking as he stared at the man in front of him.

Noah's jaw clenched at the name of his dead wife.

Spencer pulled out his wallet. He slid two pictures from it and pushed them across the desk toward Noah.

Noah picked up a picture of his wife next to Spencer. He looked to be twelve.

"You have this picture on the wall," Stiles said, reaching for the second picture. It was of Noah and Claudia on their wedding day. They wore bright smiles. Stiles had stared at that picture a thousand times, wondering what her laugh sounded like. What her hugs felt like.

"I-I don't understand." Noah blinked back tears that had surfaced.

"What are you doing here?" Scott asked Spencer.

"Mom... got sick... and she started spouting non-sense about Beacon Hills and how I'd be safe and how I had to find someone. She said crazy things all the time, I mean, her mind was slipping. But after she died... I felt... empty. And then... something strange happened." Spencer looked at Derek.

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