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Stiles didn't fight against Keller's tight grip despite wanting nothing more. He allowed himself to be pushed into a vehicle and then pushed through the door of a small house at the end of Haven Street. He took solace in the fact that they were in a public area and not some warehouse outside of town.

The house was decorated as if an old lady lived there. Floral couch and frilly curtains didn't exactly scream evil werewolves, but who was he to judge?

"Nice place," Stiles quipped as he was pushed down onto the couch. It was stiff as if it had never been sat on.

"The decorations are a little garish for my taste, but it's what was available. We don't intend to stay long," Sareen answered.

Stiles recalled his father mentioning the house was a rental.

"Where are the other two?" Stiles asked, glancing at the front door. He worried Sareen had sent them to kill Derek and Peter anyway.

"Retrieving something. So, tell me, did your mother ever mention us?"

Stiles swallowed. If she thought he was Spencer, he'd have to be very careful with his lies. He shook his head.

She smiled, her teeth extending. "I prefer your answers to be verbal."

"She didn't," Stiles answered.

Sareen let out a snarled growl. "She was supposed to be loyal. She was my best friend."

Stiles' brows furrowed. His mother was best friends with this woman? "What happened?" he pressed.

Sareen turned to face Stiles. She walked slowly around the couch and knelt in front of him. Her dark eyes scanned his face. "You look so much like her." She trailed a finger along his cheek. He wanted to recoil but refused to show her how uncomfortable he was.

"She said my ambitions got the best of me. She refused to help me with them. They would have benefited her, too. If only she'd not run. She'd still be alive right now."

"Are we sure he can do it?" Keller asked, his eyes boring into Stiles.

Sareen stood, much to Stiles' relief. "If he's as powerful as you say. I have no doubt."

"I'm still learning. I've only recently gotten a grasp of my magic." Stiles hoped that excuse could buy him some time. He hadn't thought of what he'd do after getting Derek and Peter out safely. This had not been part of his plan.

The door opened, and Madison and Gatlin walked in with a familiar book in hand.

Stiles' heart sank. Deaton wouldn't have given it up willingly. "What did you do to him?" he demanded.

Madison's eyes narrowed at Stiles.

"Your druid friend is of no concern to us. They were to simply retrieve the book," Sareen said.

"He's alive, if not a little worse for wear," Gatlin assured him.

"That proves you know this book." Sareen took it from Madison.

"My mom had it." He answered vaguely. Not a lie, but vague enough that they wouldn't catch on.

She held the book out to him.

"I understand these things can take some time, and you're newer to your magic, but you have twenty-four hours to figure it out or I start killing your little Hale pack, starting with that alpha of yours." Sareen's tone started sweet and understanding before morphing into a threat.

Stiles took the book and hoped the terror he felt wasn't on his face. He cleared his throat to make sure he could speak without giving away how nervous he was. "Are you four gonna be staring at me the whole time? 'Cause that's a surefire way to guarantee this takes longer."

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