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Derek's grip faltered on Spencer. He was wide-eyed and Derek could hear his heart pounding.

"What?" Isaac asked. His eyes darted to Derek for direction once again.

"Look if this is private property, I'm sorry. I didn't know."

Derek's jaw clenched briefly. "You're coming with us." Derek yanked Spencer after him by his arm.

"No, please, I don't want any trouble." Spencer fought against Derek's grip but he was no match.

"Good, then you'll cooperate."

"Derek, wait." Isaac put a hand on Derek's arm that was holding Spencer. "Let's slow down, okay? This guy doesn't even know what you are."

"Please." Spencer continued to fight against Derek.

"Do you know Stiles?" Isaac asked, his eyes falling on Spencer.

Spencer frowned at Isaac. "No, I don't know anyone, I swear."

"Noah?" Isaac continued.

"I'm new. I've been in town for a week. I'm from Portland." Spencer's voice was frantic, pleading.

Derek released Spencer and huffed out a breath. "He's not lying." Part of him was relieved that he wasn't as much of a threat as he'd first appeared, however, it still left questions unanswered. Too many questions unanswered. If there was one thing Derek hated it was unanswered questions.

Spencer glanced between Isaac and Derek before taking a tentative step back.

"Don't," Derek snapped, glaring at him. He halted.

"There has to be a logical explanation, right?" Isaac asked. Though he spoke to Derek, he didn't take his eyes off Spencer. He looked so much like Stiles it was uncanny.

"I would ask that you come with us," Derek growled. If this guy was dangerous he would have done something by now.

"Why?" Spencer asked.

"We have a few questions that we think only you can answer," Isaac said. His tone was more patient than Derek's.

"I don't know anything. I swear." Spencer threw his hands into the air. The gesture was so Stiles-like that it unnerved Derek. This wasn't Stiles no matter how much he looked or sounded or acted like him.

"How did you do magic?" Isaac pressed when Derek didn't say anything.

"What?" Spencer feigned ignorance.

Derek rolled his eyes. He was a much worse liar than Stiles. "Look, we don't want to hurt you, but these woods aren't safe. Especially if you can do magic, so why don't you come with us. We can figure out what's going on."

Spencer eyed Derek carefully. The light of the moon reflected in his eyes, making the brown glisten like a glass of iced tea. They were the exact shade of Stiles'.

"Look you can either come willingly or we can do this the hard way," Derek snapped. His patience was gone. Something about Spencer pissed him off.

Isaac leaned over and whispered, "I'd come willingly."

Spencer swallowed and looked over his shoulder. "My car is back that way."

"We'll take you to it after." Derek gestured for him to follow.

Spencer hesitated before falling in step behind him. Isaac took up the rear.

Spencer was not light on his feet. It reminded Derek once again of Stiles.

"Where are we going?" Spencer dared to ask after a moment of walking. The toe of his shoe caught a stick. It gave with a loud snap.

Derek grit his teeth. He didn't know why he was so on edge. He'd gone on the walk to get away from Stiles but now... there were two? How did Stiles not know about Spencer? Or maybe he did. Maybe that was why he hadn't mentioned seeing his face around town. Maybe he knew it was Spencer. Derek shook his head, that didn't make sense. Stiles would have told him. Or Scott. Someone would have known. It would have come up in the two years he'd known Stiles.

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