Mirrored Twins

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The smell of roasted vegetables and pasta sauce filled Stiles' nose as he walked out of his room. Isaac was attempting to set the table and somehow failing.

"Everybody gets a fork and a knife. Why does Malia have two forks?" Lydia huffed, setting a basket of fresh bread in the center of the table before switching out one fork for a knife.

Isaac shrugged. "Malia's dangerous enough, I figured it was safer if she didn't have another weapon at her disposal."

Malia simply shot him a dirty look before continuing her quest for candles in one of the kitchen drawers.

"There you are, I was beginning to wonder if you'd join us." Peter smiled widely from his spot on the couch, a crossword puzzle in hand.

"Just taking some time before—" his words fell away as a knock sounded on Derek's door.

"That'll be our guest." Peter set his puzzle aside, an eager grin on his face.

"Can you try not to enjoy this so much?" Stiles glared. He paused at the large metal door. He was less than eager to get this dinner started, but it had to be done, and he had no good reason to be so cold toward Spencer. No reason other than jealousy, and he refused to be jealous.

Peter's voice spoke in his ear, "It helps if you open it." He reached out and yanked the door open with a large welcoming grin.

Stiles would never get used to seeing his reflection walk and talk independently of him. It was unnerving.

"Hey." Spencer smiled timidly.

"Spencer, welcome back." Peter stepped aside, allowing him to step in.

Spencer didn't move. His eyes met Stiles' as if waiting for permission.

"Dinner's almost ready." Stiles gestured over his shoulder.

Spencer followed Stiles deeper into the loft toward the kitchen.

"Spencer, hey man," Scott greeted Spencer like an old friend. It made Stiles' stomach twist. He ignored it, allowing Scott to introduce him to Kira and the others while he slipped into the kitchen.

"You okay?" Derek asked when the sour stench of Stiles' jealousy hit his nose.

"I didn't know you could cook," Stiles said in lieu of answering.

Derek didn't pry, letting Stiles skirt his question. "I can a little. It's nothing fancy, just pasta with roasted vegetables."

"Smells great." Stiles put on a forced smile. In the few years Stiles had known Derek, he'd seen him cook once, and it was stovetop macaroni. He wanted to ask why he'd decided to cook now. He thought they'd just order pizza. But he knew why.

"Derek." Spencer's voice was behind Stiles, making him tense.

"Spencer." Derek gave a curt nod.

"It smells amazing in here."

"Well, dinner is ready," Derek said, turning off the stove.

The pack gathered around the table, including Peter.

Spencer sat opposite Stiles with Derek on the end between them. Scott took a seat next to Spencer while the rest of the pack filled in around them.

Stiles forced down the jealousy that tugged at his chest. Scott was just being a good friend. And Spencer had spoken with Derek. It wasn't anything to be worried about.

The table was quiet as they passed around the pasta and bread, filling their plates.

"I can't get over the resemblance," Malia quipped, gesturing between Stiles and Spencer.

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