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A bitter smell hit Derek's nose. Like burnt walnuts. And though Stiles tried to hide it, there was a flash of disappointment in his eyes that Derek saw.

"You want me to stay here?" Spencer asked, a confused lilt to his tone.

"We think Lydia saw you die," Malia chimed in as if it wasn't daunting news to spring on someone out of the blue.

Spencer's brows rose. "Death predictor saw me die?"

Stiles snapped his head towards Spencer. "You know about Lydia?"

He shrugged. "Scott told me."

Stiles' eyes landed on Scott. They were seething. "You told him?"

"I tried to catch him up best that I could." Scott nodded, oblivious to Stiles' anger.

Where Stiles would usually flail and protest, there was silence and stillness. He set his untouched mug on the coffee table calmly.

Derek wanted to say something, but he wasn't sure what to say. He didn't know what Stiles wanted to hear. He'd thought inviting Spencer to stay would be a good thing.

"I don't want to bring my problems here. I didn't mean to..." Spencer gave a half-hearted gesture. His eyes were sad, and the smell of worry was thick in the air.

"The truth of it is, we don't know who I saw. It could have been either of you," Lydia stepped forward.

Spencer glanced at Lydia, but his eyes slid back to Stiles as if his words were the only ones that mattered. "I can find that spell that mom used, suppress my magic, go into hiding."

"You'd be running," Scott frowned.

"Apparently, I've been running my whole life. I can do it again."

"No," Stiles snapped. "No, I don't want you to."

"You don't want me here."

Derek watched Stiles carefully for any clue that he was right. Did Stiles really not want Spencer there?

"Derek's right, you shouldn't be alone right now. This is the safest place for you," Stiles said. His tone was calm and matter-of-fact.

"Where are you staying?" Peter piped in from behind the group. He looked amused.

"I was at a hotel just inside the city, but I've been staying with Dad the past couple of nights." Spencer dropped his chin to his chest as if he were afraid to admit it.

"Well, we're rather booked at Hotel Hale, but I suppose Spencer could bunk with someone. Derek's room is the biggest."

Derek shot Peter a glare, but his smirk was directed at Stiles, who wore a murderous look.

Spencer shrunk back into himself as if he were the one who had made the comment.

"He can stay with me," Stiles said through grit teeth.

"Very well, it was just a suggestion." Peter smiled.

Derek wanted to offer for Stiles to stay with him, but that might raise some suspicion.

"Stiles can have my room, I'll sleep on the couch." He'd gladly sacrifice his comfort if it gave Stiles a sense of peace.

Surprised expressions fell on him, but he was only focused on Stiles, who squinted at him.

"You're not sleeping on your couch. I can share with Spencer. It's fine." Stiles waved a hand through the air.

"I don't mind," Derek offered again.

"We're already invading your home, I'm not kicking you out of your room. We'll be fine."

Derek was going to object, but Stiles' attention was back on his brother.

"Let's go get your stuff, I'll catch you up on Lydia's visions on the way there. We'll be back." Stiles called over his shoulder as he started for the door.

"Am I the only one who thinks it's a bad idea to let the two people who are in potential danger go out alone?" Peter asked, flopping down on the couch.

"I'll go with them. I want to stop by Deaton's anyway," Derek said.

Stiles let out a heavy sigh but didn't object.

"So now we have to be babysat?" Spencer frowned.

"Welcome to my life," Stiles flailed his arms around.

Spencer glanced around at all the people who were looking out for Stiles. "I'm glad to be a part of it now," he said quietly. A small smile pulled at his lips.

Stiles' expression shifted from frustrated to sympathetic.


Derek sat in the backseat of the jeep, letting Stiles catch Spencer up on the past few weeks and filling any gaps Scott didn't fill. It was strange watching the twins. They were truly so similar, though Derek was beginning to pick up on subtle differences. Stiles was more spastic in his gestures, whereas Spencer's were more muted. Spencer, when he was nervous, would clasp his hands and tap his thumbs. Stiles usually tapped his fingers on something, whether it be the steering wheel or the side of his leg. It was small things. But there were also some similarities that were uncanny. The way they both bit their lip in uncertainty. The way they both tried to hide a smile. The lilt they used when they were in disbelief.

Worry gnawed at Derek's chest. Would he fall for Spencer the same way he had Stiles? What was it about Stiles that he loved so much? The way he hid his smile? The way he tapped when he was nervous? The anxious bite of his lip? What was to keep him from finding those exact things endearing on Spencer?

"So how does Derek fit into all this? Why are we staying with him?" Spencer asked, glancing back at Derek. His eyes were curious, reading, like he could find the answer on Derek's face.

"He's the alpha," Stiles shrugged, his eyes briefly meeting Derek's in the rearview mirror.

A warmth swelled through Derek at hearing Stiles say those words. Some days, most days, he didn't feel like the alpha. He often thought about how disappointed his mother would be in his leading and his decision-making.

"I thought Scott was an alpha too?" Spencer asked.

"He is, but..." Stiles paused. "Derek's been there from the beginning, ya know? Before we even knew that werewolves were real. We couldn't have gotten this far without him."

Derek noted the way Stiles avoided his look in the mirror. It must have been strange to talk about Derek like he wasn't there.

"But what's his stake in all this?" Spencer glanced back at Derek again, like he expected an answer from him directly. He wouldn't get one.

Stiles shifted in his seat, a telltale sign he was uncomfortable. "He's got his reasons," he answered vaguely.

It would have been so easy for Stiles to tell Spencer Derek's past. To mention Kate and the fire. To air out his guilt and regret.

Another glance in the mirror made Derek's stomach flip. That was it. That was what he loved about Stiles. That was what would keep him from falling for Spencer.

Shorter one for you. It gave me a lot of trouble so I hope it's okay!

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