Getting Out

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"Tsunemori!" I heard Gino yell down the hallway as I was entering Division One's room, however I kept walking to my desk.

"Tsunemori." He said again, standing in the doorway breathing heavily.

"So you heard." I said smiling. He closed the door and walked to my desk.

"This is insane, you know that." He said in a whisper.

"I know it is," I whispered seriously, "but it's the only way I can find him." His face was shocked.

"Is that why you quit?" He whispered leaning on the desk.

"Yes." I turned away before Gino could see my feelings, I pulled my bag and my coat into my arms before turning around.

"I'll walk you out, Akane." He said standing back at the door. I walked towards the door, only turning around to look at it for the lat time.

"I'm going to miss this place." I said under my breath.

"Come on, before the others see you." I felt a cold metal hand on my shoulder. I looks up at him and smiled.

"It's okay, Yayoi is with Shion." I said, he seemed surprised.

"You really didn't know about that huh, Gino?" I laughed to him.

"Never took her as that." He mumbled.

"It's raining out Akane, you won't have much luck finding him, he's not one for rain." He looked at me.

"We're leaving for the countryside, he wouldn't stay in the city." I said, we finally reached the doors leading out.

"We?" He leaned closer to me, I raised myself to his ear.

"Saiga." I whispered and Gino nodded.

"Tell me, Akane why are you leaving, be completely honest with me." He whispered in my ear.

"I love him." I left him with his mouth open.

"Goodbye Enforcer Ginoza, it's been a pleasure working with you." I bowed.

"As with you Akane." He bowed and I turned, throwing my jacket over my clothes. My apartment wasn't far from the office but I drove my car today, it was parked down the street instead of in the parking.

"Destination?" It spoke.

"My apartment, take the longest route." I answered.

"Arrival time at 17:16, would you like to drive?" It asked me.

"No." I answered leaning back into the chair and taking out a pack of cigarets. And a lighter from my pocket. I took the last cigaret from the box and lit it taking a small swig from it before blowing it into the air.

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