Thunder And Lightning

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"Sibyl's going down." Shinya said from beside me. It was dark and raining outside. Thunder rolled and lightning struck in the distance.

"Akane, are you alright?" I turned around to see him. He was wearing his sweatpants and long sleeved shirt, same as I.

"Yeah I'm fine, Shinya, it's just how sudden Mushiko came back." I said lying on my side facing him.

"You know him?" Shinya asked sitting up. I shook my head no.

"He's Saiga's... Late lover." I said sitting up with him.

"I didn't know he was..." He drifted. I giggled slightly.

"Yeah neither did I." I said.

"So what are we going to do?" He asked leaning against the pale blue wall, the color as my psycho pass.

"We're going to take down Sibyl with Ginoza." I said. He laughed a bit."

"No I mean about us." He said. I felt y face blush but he couldn't see it through the dark. Thunder rolled and lightning struck again.

"That's something complicated," I started and he nodded, "why do you ask?"

"Just to know where we stand at the moment." He said lying down and pulling me with him.

"We stand together Shinya, outside of Sibyl getting ready to destroy it." I said feeling his warm breath on the back of my neck.

"I heard them talking, in the medical center, they've got an army." I stopped breathing momentarily.

"What?" I sat up and turned to face him, who was still lying down.

"They've had an army, training against the technology. They've been waiting for Sibyl to start it's slow decline and now it's reached the point where we can beet them." He said.

"A new time is going to begin, who knows how skillful Sibyl's army of inspectors and enforcers are." I said.

"Gino wasn't the only one to leave, entire devision one and two left, apparently some explosion on the main tower." He said lying on his back now. I laid down next to him.

"It's already started then." I said closing my eyes to welcome sleep.

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