Round one

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Other than the medical facility, deeper down there was a training facility as well. A gym, a track, a few obstacle courses and a 4D simulator for some missions. Saiga, Ginoza, Shinya, Yayoi and I were first tested hours before the others as they went through general health checks. We reached the final stage which was the simulator.

"Are you ready guys?" The over head speaker said.

"Yes." Gino responded.

"Before we start, I have to warm you." The lady said.

"About what?" I responded through the headset, we all were wearing one.

"Yeah what's the hold up here I want to get moving." Shinya said.

"You know I've missed working with you Kogami, but you've got so much more impatient and I can't stand it." Yayoi said with a bit of sarcasm melted into her sweet voice.

"This machine picks it's own mission and whom you guys will be working for and against." She said.

"Yeah so?" Saiga said.

"You might not like them," It went silent, "okay enough waiting. Prepare yourselves." The box around us shifted changing to the old abandoned subway. Were Shinya was trapped once.

"Where are we?" Said asked taking a step only to be met with a bullet to the side.

"What the hell?" Gino said kneeling down by him.

"I remember this." I said pulling out a gun. We were all split equally, Yayoi and I on one bunker, Saiga and Gino on the other.

"Where the hell is Mr Kogami?" I asked looking around.

"Shh!" A different voice echoed. I turned to see whom it belonged too, our eyes widened, all of ours.

"What?" Kagari asked shrugging his shoulders.

"Hey lets get going, Kogami's in there." Gino shot around to the familiar voice of Masaoka.

"Get us out of here now! I can't do this!" Gino said into the headset shaking at the sight of his late father.

"Gino, get it together we've got to find Kogami!" Yayoi said.

"Aaaaah!" A shriek came from the middle.

"Everyone split up, Yayoi and Kagari stay by me." I said they nodded and ran after me.

"That wasn't her scream." I thought to myself as we ran.

"I've got a match on my scanners." Yayoi said slowing to a stop.

"Don't worry I know where this is going. You guys go find Mr Kogami, I've got someone else to deal with." I said.

"Hey Gino." I said between the headsets.

"What's up?" He responded.

"Go find Senguji, he might be on the same level by the looks of it." I said running through hallways.

"That can't be Yuki's scream." I said trying to abandon the thought. I ran past Shinya whom was lying in the right spot.

"This has already happened, I know where this is going." I thought loading the handgun and running to the same spot.

"Haha, I've been waiting for you Tsunemori." Makashima's familiar ice cold voice ripped the walls. I looked to the right of where he was standing to see Yuki slumped over already dead. Tears filled into my eyes.

"Not again." I thought.

"You're too late, you can't save her." He said playing with her hair.

"Leave her body alone!" I said firing one shot only to hit his arm.

"So you've changed weapons." He threw his knife and I held my arm up, it intercepted the spinning blade but my arm was severely broken. It slumped down.

"Ah! Damn it!" I screamed watching the blood fall. I looked up to see him begin to walk away.

"I'm not done with you!" I said using the one hand to load the gun again. I watched as he turned and smiled.

"But I'm done with you, Senguji, take her out." He said.

"What?" Out of the dark corners I saw the cyborg walk slowly out.

"Gino!" I said into the headset.

"Don't worry dear, the headset doesn't work in here." He said aiming the barrel of the gun at me. I pointed mine quickly and pulled the trigger, ducking as he pulled his. His bullet missed me but i got him.

"Inspector move!" Kagari was just on time, hitting him with a few more.

"You're not going anywheres Makashima!" I said loading my gun one last time. He glared at me. I saw Yayoi just behind him.

"Yayoi now!" I said. She shot him, in the head. Makashima fell, just like he should've done years ago.

"Tsunemori are you alright?" Gino yelled running in.

"You just missed the party boys." Yayoi said.

"Nice first round guys, we're ringing you out now." The woman's voice said. Quickly Gino turned around just in time to see Masaoka wave at him before we we're back in the room.

"I'm not doing that ever again." I said slumping against the wall.

"Neither am I." Gino said sadly.

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