The End.

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"Tsunemori are you still alive?" I heard Gino's voice echoing off the wall.

"Yes, a few cuts but I'm breathing," I paused looking at the blank space where Shinya was supposed to be, "who's alive?"

"No one over here, these people must've had this planned, I got a bullet to my prosthetic arm-" I cut him off as terror folded over me.

"Where is Shinya?" I stood up looking around frantically moving pieces of wall.

"Akane, calm down." He said pulling me back. I felt tears rush my eyes.

"Akane." A weak voice sounded from the left of me.

"Shinya?" I asked moving a piece of wall revealing his broken, bloody body.

"Kogami?" I head a shakey breath from Gino. I knelt down and took his raised hand.

"What happened, only moments ago you were next to me." I said feeling tears rush my eyes but none falling.

"I was too late." He coughed.

"You're still breathing its not too late to get you to a hospital." He shook his head.

"Wouldn't do any good," he took a breath and I felt my heart break inside of me, and a fear fall, "I'm dying anyway."

"No you're not, you're not going to die its not your time yet." I let my tears fall on his weak hand.

"I cheated death years ago, it finally caught up with me." He closed his eyes.

"Shinya don't you dare die on me now." I cried suddenly feeling another palm on my cheek.

"Don't worry Akane, I've been prepared for this at the start." He said. I saw a faint tear etch from his eye.

"I love you, Shinya, so much. Please you can't leave me." I cried.

"Ginoza, stay with her, never leave her side you hear me?" He ordered taking his eyes off of me momentarily.

"Understood Shinya." I heard Gino said through tears.

"Shinya," I cried holding his hands.

"I love you Akane." He pulled me in, kissing pationately. When I pulled away he smiled before he was gone. My eyes burst and tears flooded out of my eyes. I held his limp hands before feeling arms around me pulling me back.

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