the end of it all

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We surrounded Sibyls main building, sneaking as close as we could but far enough to not reach their scanners.

"Their scanners are damaged this will be easier than we thought." Yayoi said.

"Don't get cocky Red captain, this is still Sibyl we're talking about." Kogami said. I laughed at his remark. Suddenly everything went black as the lights flickered out around us. A flare went up about a mile away.

"Everyone go now!" Kogami yelled. We reached the doors, grey took the outside drones and red and blue took the inside drones along with the awaiting soldiers.

"Red captain take the lower levels, careful there might be traps." I said. She nodded as we split.

"Blue captain we have a problem." Kogami said. Noises went off in the background and the building shook slightly.

"What is that Grey captain?" I said running up stairs followed by my crew.

"Sibyl's got an army, they've been preparing for this!" Gino's voice yelled through the intercom.

"Get out of there now Tsunemori, that building is going to collapse!" Gino yelled.

"But Yayoi is still down there!" I said.

"Captain the building is going to fall we must leave now." I nodded and bolted out, followed by the groups. Glass shattered as the doors open.

"Everyone out now!" I yelled through the smoke and falling shards of glass. Screams began to erupt as some were crushed. Suddenly the building fell to pieces and debri.

"Are you alright captain?" Shinya's voice soothed my fear.

"Yes thank you." His face was dirty.

"How many people did we loose?" I asked.

"Nearly half, sir." His body shook then fell in a heap of blood.

"What the hell!" I screached turning around to see the large group surrounded by men and women in black with guns set on high facing us.

"Surrender and you'll have a painless death." A women's voice said firing a warning shot. The first line fell to us shots were fired between groups. Smell of gunpowder and blood poluted the air, something exploded in the distance.

"Gino!" Shinya's stood up from behind the fallen wall we hid behind. I pulled him back down.

"Kogami sit your ass down or you're going to die!" Gino's voice ripped through the intercom.

"My group is right behind them tell everyone to duck... NOW!" He yelled.

"Everyone hit the deck!" The fallen building erupred as the bullets hit it's outside. Smoke and bodies fell and then so did silence. I looked next to me expecting to see Shinya's face looking back at mine with a hint of happiness, but the space next to me was empty.

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