Open Your Eyes

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My eyes burned but I didn't dare to open them. I felt a killer pain in my side and a thin cold object in my arm... A needle? I forced my eyes open to bright lights peering into my face.

"Ah Miss Tsunemori, you're awake." A women's voice said from beside me, I was too tired to jump but my rate rate went up according to the heart rate monitor.

"We thought we had lost you back in Japan, it's nice to see your body fully functioning." The women said writing down something on her pad of paper.

"Where... Is... Shinya... Kogami?" I said slowly.

"He is in more intensive care due to his injuries." She said standing up.

"You'll be able to walk around within today, it has been long enough that you've been laying in that bed." She said.

"How long... Have I... Been here?" I said more fluently, suddenly having the energy to sit up, but she put me back down.

"It's been a month an a half, you probably don't remember much because of the pain killer that fed into you through the IV in your arm during your surgery-" I stopped her.

"Surgery?" I asked. She nodded in response.

"I am not authorized to give you that information. Ill have someone to come back here in a few hours to see how you're doing." The lady said walking out. I leaned into my pillow and fell asleep for what seemed like an eternity then the door slid open.

"Akane Tsunemori?" A Nan's voice asked. I turned my head and opened my eyes, they burned with the white light.

"I'm awake." I said sitting up he nodded walking over to my other side, taking my pale arm and peeling off the the IV. I didn't wince.

"What happened to me?" I asked sitting up.

"Should I tell her, Sir?" The guy spoke into something, a response came, he nodded and walked to the chair where some folded clothes and handed them to me.

"Zachary is coming to get you within the next hour, get ready but be careful not to strain yourself." I nodded and he left. I pulled my feet from under the bed. I looked and them, they were slightly bruised with thin cuts all over, not deep enough to scar. I got up out of the bed and walked to the chair with a cane laying by there. I pulled the strings loose on the gown revealing my pale naked body with a long dark red and purple scar etching my stomach and one thick medium length scar crossing my thigh.

"What the hell happened?" I asked myself while pulling on the loose black pants and black T-shirt. I took the cane and tried walking through the room. Then since no one was there to take me I decided to walk down to find Kogami.

"Excuse me, do you know where the Intensive Care is kept?" I asked the lady, she nodded and pointed down the hall. I nodded and walked until I found the sight written as Kogami's name taped outside the door. I walked into a darker room, a bed on the side with a pale male laying comfortably in it.

"Shinya?" I asked leaning against the bed. I moved the blanket which hugged his neck down further. It revealed several deep wounds across his chest.

"Doctor what's wrong with him?" I asked feeling anxious as my heart began racing.

"We do not know yet, when they picked him and the lady up they were both out but not dead, he's still breathing he's just not waking up." He said. His mouth dropped and eyes widened.

"You were not supposed to know that, Mr. Saiga told us about your connection." He grabbed my arm and I hit him with the cane but not hard enough to do damage.

"Don't touch me!" I said, I felt a tear rush to my eye.

"I'm sorry, Miss Tsunemori I can't let you-" he was stopped by a doctor behind him. It was Saiga. I turned around to face Kogami.

"Shinya open your eyes, please!" My hands grasped his cold, strong hands.

"Shinya, please." I felt Saiga's arm wrap around my shoulders pulling me back away from him.

"He'll be fine just relax." He whispered. I felt a metal stick into my neck as a vital liquid oozed into my veins. Everything blacked.

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