I love you?

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" Shinya asked me as he laid over me. I gasped for breath and he breathed heavily.

"I'm sure." I said pulling him down and biting his neck. He let out an uncontrolled moan.

"I'm sure." He whispered into my ear. I felt him enter me. Both of us reached our high and he slid back onto the bed next to me.

"I do not regret that, do you?" He said wrapping his naked, sweaty body around me. I breathed heavily.

"Not one bit." I kissed his chin. His hands smoothed around my back and mine on his shoulders.

"I should have taken you out on a date before we did that." He said laughing, I did as well.

"Wouldn't have mattered." I said pulling the covers over. There was still light out that the thin curtains didn't block out.

"You've changed a lot Akane, you're no longer the inspector I met." He said smoothing my hair.

"You're not the enforcer I fell in love with." I stopped myself as my face blushed so I hid it between his neck.

"You fell in love with me?" He said. I nodded. He didn't say anything after which made me nervous. I felt his head move.

"I love you." He said. I froze and smiled like a complete fool. I nuzzled my head back into the crook of his neck and fell asleep to his breathing.

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