The Sweatshirt

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I woke up to the smell of dew on the grass. The car's windows were open, an actual car, not one of Sibyl's vehicles.

"When did I?" I looked around running the sleep out I my eyes and looked at my wrist watch it read 320.

"You fell asleep an hour before we got here, I put you in there like ten minutes ago." Saiga said sipping a cup of fresh coffee leaning against an open door. I unbuckled and go out, he handed me the cup for a sip.

"Thanks, did you find anything?" I asked taking a light out of my pocket.

"I didn't look, I just got coffee," he said turning, "oh by the way, leave the lights off." I held up the flashlight and turned it on in his face. He nodded.

"Where's the guest room, Joji?" I asked then stopped, "I can call you Joji right?" I heard him laugh.

"Do you need to ask?" He said. I nodded and looked around.

"Where's the guest room?" I asked again.

"Down stairs, there's a kitchenette somewhere down there too, I think he and Ginoza might have kept a few beers in there." He laughed. I opened the door leading down and carefully made my way down the stairs. My flashlight shone the open room, it was mostly filled with boxes. I saw a few doors to the left and the kitchenette he talked about.

"I'll check the first room, you check the second." I said already headed in the direction of the first room. I opened the door.

"There's a light setting on the dial by the door, I you put it on the second lowest one you'll see but it won't be too bright." He said.

"Right." I responded. I made my way to the dial and did as he said, turning my flashlight off I saw that the room was littered with books and blankets. Something hung in the corner of the one messy bed under boxes. I pulled it out. A large sweatshirt, a guys medium it looked like, it was a navy blue with yellow letters writing KOGAMI on the back. I pulled the sweatshirt up to my nose and sniffed it.

"Yup, this is definitely his, smells of his cologne mixed with a slight smell of his favorite cigarets." I said aloud but to myself. Something crinkled in it when I pulled it tight to me. I stuck my hand into the pocket and pulled out a wrinkled piece of paper.

"Akane, I hope you haven't given up on me yet, you know I'm still out there, it's been a little over two years now since I've been on the run. I've had little contact with Gino and Saiga, I'm sorry I couldn't get to you, I couldn't face you after that. I told Saiga that there is an island that I was on off the coast of Indonesia that I was on, I'm not there, I'm back in Japan, nowhere near Sybil, only poverty surrounds me. This is the closest I go to Sybil. I'm about a day's drive out, though I suggest walking it's easier.
Ill see you soon, Akane, I promise this time
Shinya Kogami"

"This is recent it has to be!" My head screamed, "We have to go find him!"

"Saiga!" I yelled running out.

"Did you find something?" He said stammering over boxes. I handed him the note.

"That's definitely his handwriting." He said.

"It's got to be recent since its been a little over two years since he killed Makashima." I urged him.

"I know where he is." He mumbled but I heard him.

"What do you mean?" I asked stepping closer.

"There's a village by the ocean, over 20 miles a day. He wants us to walk so we need to leave now." He handed me the note.

"What are we going to walk the whole way?" I asked following him up the stairs.

"No we're going to drive halfway and walk the rest, well get there by tomorrow's sunset." He said taking my hand and pulling me quickly into the car.

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