First Together

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It was over a week since I first saw Shinya again. He came up the stairs slowly. The top apartment area was empty for all but me, and I was laying under the covers staring at the window.

"Hey there." I heard a whisper and then the bed slipped down to his weight. I turned over.

"Hi there." I said running my hand through his hair.

"You had surgery, did you?" He asked I nodded sitting up and unbuttoning my long sleeved button down revealing my black bra and bare skin.

"You were badly injured, a knife to the thigh, bullet to the side and a slight gash to the back if I can remember correctly." He said running his soft hand down the scar.

"You did remember." I responded to his touch and whisper.

"I see they took the bullet out of you." He said thumbing my side, I nodded. I looked up at him seeing that he was only wearing loose sweat pants that dipped low.

"They did." I whispered. His hand was still on my stomach, we were really close and under the blankets I was only wearing small shorts. I felt adrenaline pump through my body I could feel his breath.

"Could I see how your back is doing?" He asked carefully pulling the shirt off I my back. I turned around so he could see the scar. I felt his arm wrap around me and his hair tickle my ear and his breath on my neck as his nose brushed it. His soft, warm lips pecked the back of my neck and slowly made his way to my cheek. His arms held me. I turned slowly onto my back and he laid on top of me kissing my neck and down. We switched spots where I was on top of him.

"Does it hurt?" I asked stopping.

"I can manage." He said.

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