Hello Again

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"There's got to be another door around here somewhere." I said to myself wandering the large second floor with hallways wrapping around. I turned down one hallway to nothing but a door on the far right.

"That's got to be it." I said pulling on the handle, it was locked. I stepped back taking a pin from my hair and picking the lock, i heard it unlock on the other side.

"Wow this is some old technology here, I'm surprised it's all still in tact." I said to myself again seeping through the door into the white med center.

"Ah, Akane, nice to see you found your way." I heard a male's voice.

"Saiga?" I asked looking around to see him leaning against the doorway.

"Hello, come on I'm sure you'd like to check on Shinya, wouldn't you?" He said pressing a button on the wall and a door opened seeing a bustling light gray hallway and glass walls.

"Am I aloud to now?" I asked him as we walked through.

"It's been a little over three months since the incident in Japan," he said clearing his throat, "I'll let you in alone, no one else in there." We stopped outside a shaded windowed room. The lights were a little bit dimmer than that of the hallways.

"Akane? Is that you?" I heard a weak voice call from the corner.

"It is, how did you know?" I asked, walking closer slowly.

"He always asks for you, every morning." A man said, I turned around frightened.

"Don't worry, he's leaving." I heard Shinya said. The man nodded and opened the door and left. It was just him and I now.

"I saw you once, a little over a month ago," he said, I walked towards him, "Not a lot of you, just a glimpse," I stopped in front of the bed, his face loomed different, "and your voice." I sat on his bed. He hand a button down long sleeved shirt. I put my hands on his chest feeling him breath.

"What happened to me, to us?" I asked looking at him.

"In the jungle, do you remember the men who attacked us?" He asked, I shook my head still looking at his face, a purple scar starting from a few centimeters in front of his ear and two or three inches down his neck.

"I never saw them." I mumbled looking at his shirt covered chest.

"Sibyl's bounty hunters that were sent out for you, they asked for your body. I didn't give up, neither did Saiga," his voice seemed to get stuck, "it got bloody thy came out and put their guns away takin out knives." He took a breath.

"You fought hand to hand didn't you?" I said pulling my other hand up to his chest unbuttoning two buttons slowly revealing his bare chest. He stared at me, anticipating my reveal of what's hidden under. I reached the end then I pulled away the side revealing two huge scars, one scraped down the middle and one across his torso. I placed my hand on the one.

"Which one is the wound?" I felt my throat close.

"The thick red one, they had to stitch it up it was so deep." He said grasping my hand.

"And that on your shoulder?" I asked.

"Bullet hole." I hung my head and felt tears rush my eyes but didn't fall.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"Don't be, it's my fault I couldn't protect you when you needed me." His hand grasped my cheek. I looked at him.

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