Get... Out

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"You two better get up or you're not getting any food." Saiga said, his voice echoing against the walls.

"We're up." I heard Shinya said beside be turning around.

"Speak for yourself, I'm exhausted." I pulled the blanket over my head.

"Come on lazy, get up." I felt Shinya wrap an arm around me.

"No I don't want to, leave me alone!" I squealed pushing him away.

"I'll leave breakfast on the table for you guys, it's getting a little too naked in here." He laughed awkwardly. Running down the steps.

"Here wear these." Shinya said handing me my lace underwear and his thin black shirt that went down to my upper thighs.

"Thanks." I said sliding off the bed and slipping them on and turning to see Shinya in sweatpants and messy hair.

"Hey guys get down here, there's something pulling up through the snow." Saiga yelled.

"I'd put on your pants." He said winking at me.

"Is up on your shirt." I said pulling his shirt off and throwing it at him. He threw me my T-shirt and jeans that were laying on the floor. I ran first down the stairs to see a black figure moving up the snowy ground. His red-orange hair was blowing in the wind, one side longer than the other.

"No that can't be." I heard Saiga whisper beneath his breath. I looked at him but don't say anything. The guy neared.

"No." Saiga said again, this time a little louder. I looked up to Shinya whom looked down at me shrugging his shoulders.

"Saiga, you good?" Shinya asked him.

"No." He said opening the door.

"No stop!" I yelled running after him. Shinya followed me running in front of me grabbing his arms and holding him tightly.

"Saiga stop, calm down!" Shinya yelled.

"Get out!" He yelled, I saw his face burning.

"Hello Joji." The man said standing in front of him as he struggled to break Shinya's grasp.

"You're supposed to be dead!" Saiga yelled not struggling anymore, tears rushing his eyes.

"That's what I said when I woke up, but it was Sibyl who brought me back to life." The said calmly staring into his eyes. In the corner of my eye I saw another black thing running towards us. The man's back hair was shorter than the other guy's but longer than Shinya's.

"Look." I said pointing. I saw Shinya's face light up. He let go of Saiga's arm and ran towards the man, they embraced and I instantly knew whom it was.

"Ginoza!" I said happily as he walked over greeting me with a hug as well.

"Sibyl is finally falling." He said. I felt a sort of happiness when he said that, a sort of sick happiness. Then I turned around to see the both Saiga and the man stand in front of each other.

"Who the hell is he?" Shinya whispered to Ginoza.

"My name is Mushiko Kiroto." My heart bounced at his name, remembering what Saiga told me a little over a week ago.

"He's back." I managed to get out from my lungs. It was only loud enough for me to hear it, not even Gino could.

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