I Found You

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"Crack!" I heard from outside the tent. A footstep maybe.

"Crack!" I hear it again. I rolled over to see that Saiga was fast asleep. I reached for the revolver that sat above the blanket.

"Crack!" It was louder now, closer. I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes and silently peeling myself off from inside the sleeping bag. I grabbed the revolver.

"Crack!" It was really close now, too close. I tiptoe to the edge of the tent and clicked the revolver ready. My bare feet soaking in the damp tent. I pulled the zipper quietly.

"Crack!" It was close now. The zipper reached the other side and I jumped into the figure standing on the other side. It grabbed my wrist, making me drop the gun. I slammed into his chest throwing him down. He still had my wrist in his grasp and I fell on top of him. It happened so quickly I never saw who it was till my vision cleared through the mist. My writ remained in his grasp, his black tank top glistened with sweat and rain along with his tan khakis, which were a bit muddy. Hi black hair glistened showing a few grey strands from stress. My hair clung to my face, it's medium brown color turning darker in the mist, my black tank top was soaked, like his with sweat and rain along with my green khakis. His eyes locked mine, his free hand reached up and clasped the necklace around my neck, eyes still locked.

"You kept it." We're his first words.

"It was the only part of you I had left." I said. He released my wrist and I pulled him into a tight, long hug.

"Akane, you do not look like the same woman I met at the MWPSB years ago." His hand ran through my messy hair. I pulled away.

"I know." I slid off of him and sat on the ground beside him, he sat up, arms resting into the ground.

"Akane I-" I cut him off.

"Shut up Shinya, don't say anything," I looked at him he was right in front of me, our noses touched he leaned his forehead in, "It took too much to do this to say something wrong." I pulled my hand up and grazed his soft cheek. I pushed my lips into his. He didn't seem surprised, he kissed back without hesitation. His hand grazed my back. I broke away resting my forehead to his.

"Well now that you two have reconnected, I say we get moving now." Saiga said from the tent. Kogami smiled.

"Hey Joji, haven't seen you in a while." He stood up, pulling me up with him.

"Yeah the last time you left it put me into one of the damned facilities so you better not leave again." He said shaking hands.

"How'd you get out?" Kogami asked. I pulled my arms in, it was starting to get colder.

"Little Missy helped me get my psycho-pass clear again. Once I left, she left." I turned my head from Kogami's stare. I didn't want him to know I left.

"You left the force?" He came closer. I nodded.

"I did it to find you, Kogami, I'm not going back." I said looking up at him. He nodded.

"Lets go then, it's about a day's walk to the village." He looked down at me.

"We'll talk later." He leaned in and I got on my tipy toes and kissed him before getting my stuff.

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