Ride Across The Villa

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"Ko, are you clear on the plan?" Gino said through the headset. Shinya nodded. Gino looked to me and I did as well.

"We'll be landing in about an hour so you should be getting ready for a quick departure." Shinya said.

"Mister Kogami," I began and he looked at me with dashing eyes, "are you ready to take down Sibyl?"

"No need to worry, you know by now that I will destroy Sibyl." He said so strongly.

"Listen, there's several stops with makeshift bases, Kogami and Yayoi are the first two, Akane and I are the second two out past Tokyo, we'll make our way in there slowly taking out Sibyl." Gino instructed us showing a blue map with red dots for each stop.

"This is a big plan, are you sure it's going to work?" Kogami asked.

"Of course it if we're just us attacking it would surely fail, but since there's already people on the inside that are linked with us this plan should work." Yayoi said, Gino nodded with her.

"First stop is coming up, you ready Kogami?" The cyborg-thing said.

"I've been ready." He said looking at me while to chopper slowed and hovered closer to the ground.

"Akane, listen to me, we might not make it out of this alive," he began interrupted by me.

"Don't say that." I pleaded.

"Listen, if we don't know this now, I love you akane." His hand found it's way to my back pulling me into a hug. I pulled away to kiss him passionately. The door opened and Kogami unbuckled himself saluting before jumping out.

"Yayoi, you're next are you ready?" She nodded looking at her feet.

"Found him didn't you?" Gino said, I nodded stating at him and he stared back.

"You're going to make it out alive don't worry Akane." He comforted, I laughed and he looked confused.

"This is Sibyl we're going against, none of us are going to live past this." We sat in silence after Yayoi left. We passed unnoticably over central Tokyo. The view port opened up revealing a damaged tower and some surrounding buildings.

"Good luck, Tsunemori." Gino said.

"See you in 0400 hours when we meet at the rendezvous point." I said jumping out. I walked towards the metal exterior. I was greeted by soldiers in different uniforms.

"You must be Captain Akane Tsunemori." The female said in broken Japanese with an English accent. I cleared my throat, remembering AP English from high school through college.

"I am she. When do we start?" I asked looking at the male officer.

"As soon as we receive word that commander Ginoza has reached his point, then we progress to the rendezvous point as planned." He speaked almost perfect Japanese except he had a British accent.

"Captain, we've received the signal to go!" A voice echoed through the headset.

"Round the troops, we leave immediately." I turned to see the sun peak over the open field.

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