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I had lost him that day. I swore I'd never lose anyone again, so did Gino. We haven't separated since that morning, he promised me he'd never leave that he'd protect me. I never fell in love with anyone like I did with Shinya ever again. I learned to love and respect Gino, he did the same.

"Hey Akane, what do you want for breakfast?" I heard Nobu (my nickname for Gino)

"Eggs are fine." I said from the couch. We lived in America, far away from Sibyl's ruins.

"Well I'm still not used to this can you help me." I rolled my eyes and sat up. He wasn't so keen on the American tech, I wasn't at first but i quickly adapted.

"Turn it on and crack the eggs in the pan, that's how they've been doing it for basically ever, Nobu." I laughed sneaking in behind him and turning it on.

"You don't really talk much about it, Akane, but I know it still haunts you." He said. My face fell remembering that day a little over a year ago.

"It does, but its not going to stop. It's not like I can forget him dying." I said feeling tears rush my eyes.

"You can't, I can't either especially because he was my best friend." He said wrapping his arms around me, hugging my shoulders.

"It seems to have effected you more, I'm sorry." I looked up to his closed eyes leaking a few small tears. A few of my own fell.

"It's the past, Akane." He whispered, I nodded.

"I know." That day was a peaceful day, with a thunder storm late that night. It reminded me of the first time we were together, Shinya and I.

"Come sleep in my room tonight." He said picking me up. I nuzzled my head into his bare chest. Truth is I've been afraid of the thunder since the night he died, it reminded me. Nobu knows that. He held me tightly that night, protecting me from memories and pain. He cared about me in a way I thought nobody would when Shinya died, he was the only one to do that.

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