Not Again

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"He's back, Saiga, aren't you going to talk to him at least?" I asked handing him a bowl of rice.

"That's not Mushiko, it's a very good copy but it's not him. He wasn't that tall." He said harshly.

"What do you mean?" I tucked hair behind my ear.

"That's an engineered half human clone. He's got the outsides of the human him but if you look on his back there's a scar from where they surgically coated the organs with some new technology that helps the organs live forever." I suddenly realized how much he hated the new technology.

"So he's basically a cyborg but more complex." I said.

"And the fact that he died, there's something sick going on." He said scarfing down the last bit of rice left in his bowl.

"So he still has his brain right?" I asked taking his empty bowl. He nodded.

"He should remember stuff right?" I asked.

"Where are you going with this, Tsunemori?" He asked turning around on the couch.

"Well he could remember all the feelings you guys had for each other, all the things you had done together." I said he shook his head.

"I couldn't, not again, not after I watched him do that to himself. We were teenagers and he worked as an intern in the radio tower, he brought me there to say goodbye and watch him. Have you ever seen someone you loved slip away and you could do nothing about it?" He was angered, I never thought I'd see him like that.

"I'm sorry, Akane, I shouldn't have snapped at you." He said looking down.

"That's okay Saiga, I brought it up myself, I should be saying sorry." I slightly smiled and he returned.

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