The Beggining

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"We'll be leaving tomorrow at 5 am so be ready an hour before that. A helicopter will be waiting on the roof then we're off to Japan." Gino said.

"Finally they've cleared us to go." I said laying down. It's been two and a half months since Division One and Two arrived and training began.

"Ill be taking the copter along with Yayoi, see you in the morning you two." He left and the door shut quietly and I pulled off my shirt, suddenly arms wrapped around me and warm breath breathed on my neck.

"We shouldn't be apart for long, Akane." He whispered into my ear gently kissing it.

"What do you mean?" I asked turning in his grip.

"The plan, the four of us are technically in charge of four sections of the acquired army." He kissed mypassionately

"Then we'll see each other at the end." I kissed his cheek.

"That is if we survive." He whispered kissing my neck.

"We will, don't say that." I said pulling away to see his scar up close.

"This is a big, near impossible, mission that none of us have ever dealt with. Its close to impossible for all of us to survive." His head rested at the crook of my neck.

"Then if we don't survive this, let's make the best of our last night together." I said kissing his head. He nodded and kissed my lips passionately.

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