Chapter 1

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Pandora reef
Metkayina clan

Tsireya was at her regular spot on the ocean floor, her legs crossed and eyes shut as she connected with the water around her. Schools of fish swam around her body, occasionally bumping against her face. It was like the ocean was giving her a kiss. Tsireya fluttered her eyes open when she felt weak vibrations in the ocean. Her eyes darted around the vast sea, but she couldn't identify the source of the vibrations until she looked up. Eight forest Ikarn flew over her head, landing on the beach. Tsireya swam to the surface, clicking for her ilu, who swam her to shore. The Metkayina princess dived off her ilu into the sea, quickly resurfacing as she pushed a lock of hair behind her ears. She saw two families standing on the beach, but her eyes immediately locked onto a pair of golden eyes. The boy was the tallest of the kids. He had a fluffy afro with a few braids with beads framing his face but her attention was pulled from the boy when another greeted her. Tsireya smiled bashfully at the greeting, walking beside her brother and Rotxo.

"Do not Rotxo, Ao'nung", she scolded, hitting their hands. Tsireya sent a sympathetic look towards the families at her friend's behaviour. Tonowari jumped off his Skimwig, walking through the crowd to meet the outsiders.

"Why do you come to us, JakeSully?" her father demanded. Tsireya tried to stay focused on her parents' conversation, but her azure eyes drifted back to the Omatikaya. She noticed how the one with the afro pushed, which she can only assume was his sister behind him, to avoid the harsh stares they were getting. Ronal made her way around the forest, na'vi lifting their features up, openly embarrassing them.

"Their arms are thin" Her mother lifted the youngest's arm roughly before dropping it and heading towards another. "Their tails are weak. These children aren't even true, Na'vi." Ronal announced to the clan showing them her four-fingered hand. Tsireya glanced at Ao'nung briefly; his face was filled with disgust and hate, whereas hers was filled with sympathy.

"They have demon blood", her mother shouted, holding the hand up of the boy who kindly greeted her. The girl next to him stepped forward, hissing at her mother. Tsireya dipped her head to hide the smile on her face. Nobody dared to speak against her, so watching someone do it so easily made her smile. The princess watched as the forest na'vi begged uturu. She saw how her father slowly gave in to his friend's words, but her mother kept her harsh exterior.

"Toruk Makto and Thanator Makto will stay with us; treat them as our brothers and sisters. They do not know the sea, so they will be like babies taking their first breath. teach them our ways, so they do not suffer the shame of being useless." Tonowari demanded his clan before looking at the families.

"Thank you", the kids mumbled, clearly not thrilled about moving here

""My son Ao'nung and my daughter Tsireya will show your children the way of water". Ao'nung glanced at his father harshly

"Father, why do I ..." but he was cut off by Tonowari. Tsireya smiled from ear to ear stepping in front of her brother happily.

"Come, I will show you our village".

Tsireya led the way over the docks passing mauri's until she reached two vacant ones at the edge of the dock. "This is your new home. If you need anything, please do not hesitate to ask. I will leave you to unpack, and lessons will begin in two days" Tsireya pressed her fingers to her forehead, moving them down as she left the families.

"wait", a voice called out. The girl turned round as the boy with the afro stood before her.

"Is everything ok" she questioned, meddling with her fingers.

"Yes, yes, I just wanted to introduce myself. "Im Tsu'tey", he introduced nervously.

Tsireya smiled. "Im, Tsireya, but you already knew that", the boy she now knew as Tsu'tey chuckled at her response.

"Thank you for being so kind about our arrival. I know some were not."

"Do not take notice of them; they are babies. My brother will not give you much trouble. I will make sure of it," she answered truthfully. Tsireya had never broken a promise, and she would not start today.

"Thank you, Tsireya. Really it means a lot to my family and me" Tsu'tey saw the confused look on her face.

"If you do not mind me asking, which is your family?"

Tsu'tey grabbed one of the girl's attention, making her sigh, but she ultimately stood next to Tsu'tey. "Tsireya, this is my sister Li'teya".

Li'teya eyed the girl up and down, "it's nice to meet you. Thank you for defending us earlier".

"It was nothing; I thought it was courageous how you defended your friend against my mother. Not many would dare" Li'teya smirked at Tsireya's compliment.

"You think so?"

The princess nodded. "You will have to teach me to be brave like you."

"Only if you teach me how to braid my hair like yours", Li'teya challenged. Tsireay smiled brightly. Maybe having the Omatikaya people here wasn't as bad as she initially thought.


Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the official start of afterglow. I am in love with these films and adore writing my ocs into them. Please comment scenes and things you want to see in this book as I basically have full creative control.

also please don't ghost read

I see you


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