Chapter 23

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Pandora reef

Metkayina clan

Tsireya snuck around the demon ship, a dagger held firmly in her dainty hand. She held her breath as two demons marched past her holding automatic weapons—weapons she knew they weren't afraid to use on her. She crawled towards the railing where she last saw her friends, feeling a pang of guilt when the space was empty. No na'vi in sight, only a streak of blood leading inside the ship. Curiosity got the better of the princess as she followed the trail; her nose twitched at the familiar smell. Her small feet travelled along the corridor, hiding behind corners and boxes every time someone was near. The trail ended at a closed door. Her ears stuck up at the pained groans and screams.

"Where are Jake Sully and Freddie Evans?" A deep voice spoke in the demon language. Tsireya tilted her head. The only word she understood was Jake's and Freddie's.

A coarse voice tried to speak, but it came out as a horse whisper: "I don't know".

Tsireya knew that voice. Tsireya craved that voice. Tsireya woke up every morning just to hear that voice.

Another scream echoed through the ship until it went silent. Tsireya held her hands over her mouth to quiet her sobs. After a few more minutes of silence, three dream walkers walked out of the room, wiping the blood from their knuckles and hands. The princess felt a surge of confidence as she crept towards the door. Nothing could prepare her for what was inside.

Tireya let out a quiet no, running towards the Na'vi tied to a chair in the middle of the room. Blood surrounded the floor, and her feet were sodden from it. The Na'vi coughed up blood trickling down his chin. Tsireya placed her hands on his cheeks, forcing him to look at her, but his black and bruised eyes made her think he couldn't see her.

"Tsu'tey," she whispered, trying to get a reaction out of him.

"No, please, I don't know anything," said his voice, barely above a whisper; the sound made Tsireya's heart shatter.

"Tsu'tey, it's Tsireya. It's me," she cried, tracing stars on his face, their way of showing love and comfort.

When the boy didn't react or move, that's when the panic set in. There was no way she could carry him out of the room and back to her ilu without being seen, but if she stayed here, they would both die. The princess took a deep breath before placing Tsu'tey's arm over her shoulder. His feet immediately buckled underneath, forcing his full weight onto the small girl. "Come on, Tsu, we have to go," she cried, dragging the boy out of the door and back down the corridor. She looked left and right, and when the coast was clear, she ran with the boy to the edge of the ship. She clicked her tongue, calling A'ope. "We're almost there, Tsu. Hold on a little longer".

They were maybe 10 steps away, but it seems Eywa wasn't looking over them. A large hand yanked Tsireya's queue, dropping Tsu'tey onto the cold floor.

"NO!" she screamed in Na'vi, but she was silenced when the dream walker pushed her knees to the floor. Another one grabbed Tsu'tey's limp body, holding a knife to his throat.


The head dream walker held his hand out, stopping the other one. He turned to the princess with an evil smirk. "Where'd you come from, princess". Tsireya scowled at the nickname, but she stayed silent. The avatar behind her yanked her queue harder: "He asked you a question, Buttercup.".

She let out a quiet whimper, "The Reef."

The head avatar lifted her hand, showing off her three fingers and finned hand. "You're more of a freak than the blue ones," he laughed, shoving her hand away. Tsireya glanced over to Tsu'tey; his chest was barely rising.

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