Chapter 7

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Pandora Reef

Metkayina Clan

"What were you thinking, Ao!" Tsireya scolded when they reached a secluded part of the beach.

Ao'nung leaned against a tree crossing his arms over his chest, hiding the bruises that Li'teya had left.

"They are freaks, Tsireya; they do not belong here!" he shrugged.

Tsireya stepped towards her brother in shock. "These are the nicest na'vi I've ever met. Skin colour shouldn't define who they are in your skxwang eyes."

Ao'nung scoffed, shaking his head. "I don't want you hanging around that Evans boy anymore or his sister. She's crazy".

"You can not tell me who I can't be around. If it were the other way around and we were to leave to the forest. Do you think you'd want to be treated this way?"

Ao'nung studied his sister's angry face, which he rarely saw. Her sister was the kindest soul in the village, so he had to admit it was a little scary to see her like this. "But it's not the other way, so there's no point thinking about it".

"You are insufferable, Ao'nung. I feel sorry for you. I really do. Maybe if you took the time to pull your head out of your arse, then you'd see what lovely na'vi they are". Both siblings' eyes widened at her confession. Ao'nung wasn't expecting her to swear, and neither was Tsireya. The Metkayina prince was speechless, he opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

"Go apologise to Li'teya and the Sully boys." when Ao'nung didn't move off the tree, she slapped him with her tail. "Now!".


Tsireya saw Li'teya approach her brother on the beach; the two seemed to exchange very short words until she took place next to him. Tsireya smiled, knowing they hadn't torn each other to pieces yet. The Metkayina princess walked through the village, giving short and polite hello and goodbye to her people before she stopped outside the Sully mauri. Their flap was still open, meaning the family still accepted visitors for the day. Her teal hand knocked on the frame gently but loud enough for anyone inside to hear.

"Come in", A male voice said

Tsireya straightened her back as her mother had taught her. She was not to appear weak and nimble in front of people as it reflected poorly on the chief. When Tsireya walked inside the mauri, Neteyam was trying to patch up his wounds.

He was doing it terribly.

"Tsireya", he greeted. "Is there something I can help you with?" his voice was calm and gentle; it made her blood boil that her brother was so cruel to him.

"I wanted to apologise for my brother's behaviour earlier."

Neteyam stared blankly at the girl. He had seen the girl's kindness during their lessons, but for the princess to personally apologise for something that wasn't her fault made his heart swell. "You do not need to apologise; my brother threw the first punch".

Tsireya bounced on the heels of her feet. "Yes, well, but it was mine who was saying those cruel words about your family."

Neteyam smiled gratefully at the princess. "Thank you, Tsireya", he mumbled as he tried cleaning up his wound, making him wince.

"Would you like some help?"


She cleared her throat. "Um, would you like some help with your wounds? I will pass my healer rite of passage soon". Her eyes flickered over the cuts and bruises on his blue skin.

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